Chapter 29.

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"Lydia seems good, I've told her some of my plans. I wish I new what she thought but her silence is not breaking" Valack sighed at the end,

"Do you know why I brought you here ms argent?"

"Because your batshit crazy" she bit back, every word she uttered, every move she made; it caused her head to throb more then it already was.

"You have an ability like no other mr argent, what it must be like to fall from a family of hunters with powers like yours" 

"You can heal Lydia, it gives you a bond. You can keep her breathing whilst she finds my answers"

He wheeled the chair beside Alex's bed, lifting her from the bed he placed her carefully in the chair. Alex let out small Moans, the pain in her head was radiating through out her body, being touched by valack only made her feel worse

"Where are you taking me?"

He ignored her question, wheeling her away from the room she had been confined to.

Come on stiles, I need you, tell me one of your plans actually worked

She thought.. she hoped, she really held onto hope that stiles was coming to save her because of all the places to die, this was the worse one.

Valack wheeled the girl through the hallway. Alex head spun around each corner as they moved further from her room.

He came to stop at a door, alex noticed the sign reading *mens* on it.

She consider making a snide comment about a shower room, but held off due to her value of life.

Valack pushed her in, wheeling her to a grate in the corner of the room. She looked down and noticed it led to the tunnels under beacon hills.

"You're going to have to climb down. I'll go first . You run and you'll regret it" he ordered

Alex stood up, stumbling a little as her head pounded. Valack climbed down the ladder, Alex took a few steps down with the help of valack.

She reached the last step and he lifted her off, she looked at him with a tired grin "And they say chivalry dead"


"You're not gonna find her without me!" Theo yelled, but stiles wasn't listening.

Alex was in danger, Valack was doing to kill her and stiles would be damned if he let him lay a hand on her.

Theo huffed "Stiles!"

Stiles stopped in his tracks, her turned and faced the chimera with a glare.

"I want her out of here, too." He admitted, he used her and got what he wanted but still felt something. Maybe it was guilt but whatever it was, he knew it was because of her.

"I've got her scent." He added, hoping it would convince him.

"What do you want?" Stiles asked, there was always a motive

"What's the difference? Huh. I can find her. You can't" Theo pointed out.

Begrudgingly stiles gave a nod, he didn't want to agree but wanting Alex alive weighed out not wanting Theo.

Stiles followed Theo to the mens shower room. Theo barged in, all the patients showering crouched down; covering their faces, fear taking over.

Theo walked over to the corner, shoving someone out of the way, he lifted the grate that lead to the tunnels

"It leads to the tunnels, doesn't it?" Theo asked

"There's miles of them. They could be anywhere "

𝙊𝙍𝙄𝙂𝙄𝙉𝙎 // 𝙎𝙏𝙄𝙇𝙀𝙎 𝙎𝙏𝙄𝙇𝙄𝙉𝙎𝙆𝙄Where stories live. Discover now