Chapter 23.

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Alex watched the alpha redress is open wound, feeling a twinge of sympathy. It was the first time she seen him since that night, everything was different with the trio. Nothing felt right.

"Hey. Still not healing?

He shook his head "Sometimes it just takes a little longer."

"I uh.. I can try?" Alex offered, barely above a mumble.

"I'm okay" Scott nodded, "What are you doing here?"

"Ah, you heard about the guy who got killed out at the communication towers, right?" Stiles asked

Scott nodded quietly.

"I think I may have figured something out."

Scott looked at the two of them, surprised by their offer "What, you want my help?"

"Yeah, well you said you can find the clues that I can't."

Alex stayed quiet, she understood stiles need to forgive Scott. It was nothing she didn't feel herself, but a part of was deeply hurt by his actions.

"Here, take a look." Stiles pointed to the video

"This is when the technician first arrived. You see him going in, Then Deputy Clark goes in. Then something really big and really fast comes charging out. And now comes Clark. Eventually, technician's body is carried out by paramedics."

"Okay, what am I missing?" Scott asked, looking from the screen

"Two people go in. Three come out. I checked all the footage. Not a single person enters that building before the technician the entire day. So where does that something really big and really fast come from?"

"There's another way in" Scott realized


Upon entering, they all noticed the large locker that was surrounded by blood. Scott could smell it before even entering.

"You see that?" Stiles asked, pointing it the pool of a man's blood

"I see blood."

"That is an ungodly amount of blood" Alex cringed, not stepping any closer.

"Look where it leads to." Stiles pointed, the crimson liquid was pooled under the locker.

Scott grunted, he couldn't seem to gather the strength that was needed; he was barely even human since the attack, never mind an alpha.

Stiles walked over, silently offering a hand. Alex watched from a distance, giving in seconds later she helped hoist the locker to a stand.

Understand the locker, lead an entrance to the tunnels that were piped hinder the town. They each climbed down, jumping to the hard concrete.

Stiles turned on his flashlight, they investigated further. Stiles flipped his torch and started using the purple light, the three of them followed the a trail. Not a word spoken, but what would be said.

They continued to follow the trail, soon coming across two words written in the dust.

"What is that?" Scott asked

"It looks like Latin." Stiles said

Scott room out his phone to snap a picture "Hold up that light. I'm gonna get a picture of it."

"Damnatio Memoriae" Alex read it aloud, thinking about what it meant.

As stiles focused on the writing he felt a pair of claws break through the skin on his neck. He limbs went numb as the venom hit his veins, he landed on the ground with a grunt.

𝙊𝙍𝙄𝙂𝙄𝙉𝙎 // 𝙎𝙏𝙄𝙇𝙀𝙎 𝙎𝙏𝙄𝙇𝙄𝙉𝙎𝙆𝙄Where stories live. Discover now