Chapter 8

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Alex walked into stiles house, she hung her coat on the rack; like she did every time she came home.

Home? Alex never realised how much this house was her home now. It was more a home than her apartment ever was.

But maybe that was just stiles.

Alex shrugged, she looked down at her phone. Texting absentmindedly as she walked to stiles room.


Alex -
Thanks for the talk today, the distraction kinda helped.

Alex looked up from her phone, reaching the bedroom door.

Stiles paced the room, mumbling something under his staggered breaths. A marker anxiously fiddled between his fingers.

"Hey, I'm ho-.."

Alex's voice grew quiet, stiles looked up with tear struck eyes, his cheeks stained with the few he let fall.

"What happened?"

"He's dead" stiles whispered, afraid to utter the statement any louder.

Alex's eyes grew wide, "Who's dead stiles?"

Stiles didn't answer, he couldn't. If he said it again, he would admitting his crime.

"Stiles, where's your dad? Is he okay?"

Stiles looked at alex, confused "no.. no not him"

Alex exhaled a held breath, "oh thank god"

Stiles continued to pace the room, afraid to sit still.

Alex held his shoulder, stiles winced pulling back.

"Why did you wince?" Alex asked, her eyes darting around his body.

"I uh.. I-.."

Alex pulled down his sleeve, teeth marks scaring his skin. It was too many to be a wolf.. too many to be a human.

"Stiles, what happened?" Alex asked, more stern this time.

"I can't... I can't tell you"

Alex turned stiles to face her, he could barely look at her.

"Stiles" Alex's voice was soft, "I need you to tell me what happened okay, because you're scaring me right now"

Stiles finally sat down, his body drooped with exhaustion.

𝙊𝙍𝙄𝙂𝙄𝙉𝙎 // 𝙎𝙏𝙄𝙇𝙀𝙎 𝙎𝙏𝙄𝙇𝙄𝙉𝙎𝙆𝙄Where stories live. Discover now