Chapter 15.

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Pain is something Alex became used to with the amount she took, she has almost become immune to it, but what she was feeling was a different pain. She was strapped to a table and the dread doctors pumped something Unknown into her veins. It was an unbearable pain , it was worse then anything she had every taken.

"Alex" she heard a distorted voice. She looked over and seen a dread doctor staring at her

She let out a breath "What do you want with me? You already did something remember"

"Improvement" the dread doctor gurgled

"What?" She questioned.

Alex heard the sound of wheels moving toward her, her eyes widened as she seen the young girl laying on it. Their whole plan was set in place to protect Hayden, now she's the very girl they wanted most

The dread doctor grabbed Alex's hand and placed it on Hayden's, they watched as her veins turned black and pain shot through her . The pain built up inside of her and it quickly became too much.

Her mouth opened and sobbing scream came from her, her body squirmed in efforts to be free. The pain only got worse as the seconds passed, it ran through every vein in her body.

Her body was reaching its limit - with seconds it was reached, another scream escaped her lips, her arms pulled through the leather straps.

Alex's eyes grew larger, she never knew she had such strength, seconds passed and she pulled her hand away from Hayden's.

She watched as black smoke blew from her fingers. She wanted to run, she could run she was free.. but she was weak. She had no energy.

A loud scream that came from behind the wall filled Alex's ears. Her heart racing as she recognized the painful wail.. it was Liam

"No!" She yelled. She jerked in her restrains "what the fuck are you doing to him!" She yelled. The doctors walked over, one took out a needle and pressed it against her neck silencing her instantly "please" she begged "please don't hurt..."

"You are not done yet" one spoke and before Alex could question a word, she slipped unconscious


Scott McCall would agree that he and Alex were not on good terms as of lately, but as he seen Alex was gone; he felt nothing but guilt for not hearing her out, for not trusting her instincts.

Stiles was a ball of anxiety, he didn't care about his totaled jeep or the small bump on his head; all he cared about was his girlfriend who was in the hands of the dead doctors.

Malia watched as stiles paced around Scott's kitchen anxiously. "We need to find them" he huffed

Malia confused as to why the took Alex saw the opportunity and asked "Why would they want Alex?" Malia asked

Stiles stopped in his tracks and looked at the werecoyote remembering he was the only one who knew about her memory "She's a success"

"What's do you mean?" Malia asked, her brows narrowing downward.

"She didn't explain a lot, just something about being 16 and taken-..

"She just turned 16" Theo corrected, "it was 2 weeks after her birthday, we were out past her curfew she ran ahead of me to try and hide, it was a trick she liked to play.  I heard screaming seconds later and I couldn't find her. She was found the next day, no scratches no bruises. Just memory loss"

"that's her memory, that's what she forgot."

Theos brows furrowed "you mean, she was made by one of them?"

𝙊𝙍𝙄𝙂𝙄𝙉𝙎 // 𝙎𝙏𝙄𝙇𝙀𝙎 𝙎𝙏𝙄𝙇𝙄𝙉𝙎𝙆𝙄Where stories live. Discover now