Chapter 9

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The pack stood outside eichen house, waiting to be buzzed in. Tension had risen  between Alex and Scott, not a word had been spoke between the two in days And Scott didn't seem keen on mending any bridges

Lydia stood with the fox as she tried to get a hold of someone through the intercom, Alex stood beside stiles both perched against his jeep. Scott stood somewhere in the middle, updating Isaac on how it was going. The beta had decided to stay with his girlfriend, seeing as though enough people where going to eichen

Scott had yet to say a word to Alex and Alex had yet to say a word to Scott, the two supposed best friends acting as if they were strangers. Alex wasn't sure on what was happening, he'd barely spoken two words to her in days

Along with the alpha, Isaac hadn't gotten a chance to speak to the healer, Alex was worried Isaac wouldn't ever speak to her again but she couldn't understand why he hadn't said anything, not even a snide comment. But they hadn't seen a lot of each other in the past few days for anything to be said

Alex leaned on stiles arm looked at him, she was worried about him. She was still struggling from Tracy and now stiles had his own struggles "You okay ?" She asked

"Yeah" he smiled, planting kissed her forehead.

"You know I don't believe for a second right" Alex told him softly.

Stiles knew better then to try and lie to his girlfriend. She new him all too well to know when he was telling the truth and when he wasn't. Alex could read him like a book.

He sighed "Yeah I know"

"It's gonna be okay" she reassured "we will get through it together"

Stiles smiled and kissed her, he felt beyond lucky to have her right now. She knew what it felt like and now so did he. He knew she was always there when he needed her.

Scott looked back at his best friend, making his way over to stiles. Occasionally glimpsing at alex as he did.

"Are you going to be okay in there?" Scott asked Stiles

He knew that stiles hated the place, he also knew Alex hated it just as much but decided not to ask.

Alex looked towards the alpha, not saying a word.

"Yeah. Why?" Stiles asked, furrowing his brows

"You just seem a little off" Scott told him truthfully

"I think we're all a little off."stiles pointed out

Scott looked back at Kira with a worried expression, thinking back to the events of last night "Maybe some of us more than others." He mumbled

"Wait. What happened?" Stiles asked, picking up on his worried tone.

"When the other Chimera, Lucas, when he came after us, I heard Kira say something in Japanese." He explained,

𝙊𝙍𝙄𝙂𝙄𝙉𝙎 // 𝙎𝙏𝙄𝙇𝙀𝙎 𝙎𝙏𝙄𝙇𝙄𝙉𝙎𝙆𝙄Where stories live. Discover now