Chapter 19.

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Theo done what he promised and told stiles where his father was. Stiles left as quick as he could, Alex on the other hand decided to stay with Theo. She wanted to talk to him, she wanted to understand. She told stiles she'd catch up, he didn't question it assuming she'd probably unleash her wrath on him.

"So why didn't you go with your boyfriend?" Theo asked, a brow raised

Alex could feel the anger building up inside of her, her nails dug into the palm of her hand as she resisted the urge to throw the balled up fist in his face.

He smirked "what, wanted to finish what was interrupted the other night.... I won't tell him if you don't"

With that last comment Alex found herself lunging toward him, his body landed on the ground and she held him by the his shirt shaking him with anger. "What the fuck is wrong with you!" She yelled hitting his body against the rubbles "I told you everything!"

Alex was seething. How could she not have realised, how could she trust him so easily.

"Your eyes" Theo noticed, they glowed a bright purple, seconds later Theo felt pain run from her body to his.

Alex stood up, she looked at her shaky hands.

He stood up and laughed quietly at the girl and her rage. This is exactly what he wanted from her, yet another reason for the pack to fall apart.

Alex let out a breath "I told you everything. I told you about her..." she spoke softly.

"I trusted you!" She shouted 

"What can I say... I'm easy to trust" he smiled

She shook her head "god, I told you things I struggled to tell anyone else." She hated herself, she let him in and he won. He acted as if he cared, he listened as if he cared, all so he could play the good boy act.

"You are sick" she spat.

"I did what I had to do" he attempted to justify

"No" she shook her head "you did what you knew would work, you wormed your way in here and messed everything up."

She glared at him and realized, all he wanted was a pack that he could lead. He wanted every bad part of them, the parts that were rarely seen, but even after all he had done to succeed.. he still failed. He was still alone

"But you know what?" Alex scoffed, "you failed. You failed and now you have no one, you don't have a pack you don't have a family.. you have no one"

"You're an omega Theo, and chimera or not. Omegas always die alone"


Alex walked into the hospital, she didn't bother asking a receptionist; Alex probably knew the place more than she did anyway. She walked over to the waiting area, She seen stiles and her heart broke and how broken he looked. Noah was the only family stiles had left and he wouldn't cope without him.  She walked Over to where he was sitting and sat beside him taking his hand, he looked up and was relieved to see her sitting beside him.

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