Chapter 7

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A hissing and snarling sound filled the room. Alex looked up, her eyes wide when she seen three people cloaked in in lab coats, metal accessories hanging from them as if to he jewelry. They looked like the definition of a nightmare.

Alex watched as Tracy set up, she spat a sliver ooze from her mouth; the sight made Alex feel physically nauseous. Tracy looked deep into Alex's eyes "Why did you kill me?" Tracy asked"You could have saved me" she whimpers

The silver mess now oozed from each crevasse of Tracy's face, it dripped from her eyes and nose and poured from her mouth; her eyes now coated over with a silver film.

"I'm sorry, I really tried" Alex shuddered an apology

"You killed me!" Tracy yelled, mercury from the girls mouth splattered onto  Alex's face, she flinched at the feel of it

Alex felt her body jolt awake, pulling her from the ruins of her nightmares. That was the worst one yet, others had only lasted for seconds and consisted of her being alone and only hearing Tracy's voice. This one made her stomach flip, her mouth filling with salvia

Alex felt the contents of her stomach rise up her throat, she clasped her hand over her mouth and jumped from stiles bed; she made it into the bathroom, just in time as her the result of her nightmares emptied into the toilet.

It had been almost half a day and she felt like the guilt was going to eat her alive. She wasn't sure how she'd ever feel anything but guilt

Noah stopped at the door of the bathroom, he handed the girl some tissue as she landed against the bathtub.

"Don't tell me I'm about to become a grandfather" he joked a little.

Alex stifled a breathy laugh, "just a nightmare"

Noah took sat on the toilet, looking down at the girl.

He felt bad for her, he knew what that guilt felt like and how at times it could eat through a person. "You know the first time I had to use my gun I had the same reaction. I woke up in cold sweats for about a week"  he told her

She exhaled "Yeah but that's was your job. I killed someone yesterday, an innocent girl who unwillingly unknowingly got dragged into this world died yesterday... because of me"

She shrugged her shoulders "You know if it was me maybe I could have healed"  she assumed

Noah nodded "Yeah you are gonna feel like this for a while" he was honest with her 

"Why didn't you do anything?" She asked "I mean why didn't you like arrest me"

He smiled a little "One. It would have passed as self defense and two , telling a jury that she had venom lined claws that could paralyze instantly, well it wouldn't have went down well" he explained

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