Chapter 33.

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"Hey, Coach,"it's Scott and Stiles." Scott called,

Bobby finstocks continued to stare up at the roof, barely even blinking. His arms sprawled out along the couch; almost as if he was catatonic.

Stiles waved his hand in front of the unresponsive man, rolling his eyes before speaking "Coach, You're in rehab. You didn't have a lobotomy"

Stiles noticed the chess board, he leaned over to move a piece; just as his hand reached the player, coach finstock came to life; with a sudden movement he grabbed stiles arm.

"Don't you dare touch it." Coach demanded, glaring up at the teenager  "I've got Nurse Gonzalez by the balls of the last three moves"

Stiles rolled his eye "Let it go. You're checking out of this place now."

"Not a chance." Coach scoffed

"Okay, Coach. But, we know you're fine-..."

Scott was cut short by coaches Loud shushing, waving his hands around.

"I have a debilitating disease." He claimed, gesturing his hand to a chugging motion "It's called "I'm not going to take another arrow to my stomach-phobia." Look it up"

Alex rolled her eyes "well we can assure you no one is shooting arrows at anyone"

"We just need you to coach the charity game. Okay"

"Charity? Not a chance." The older man laughed loudly,

Stiles raised a brow, looking around the facility "How exactly have you been conning them into letting you stay here?"

"I, uh... I have relapses. It's... It's serious. I've had seven of them."

Scott counted in his head, "So once a month?"

"Yeah, you see, uh, every time they are just about to discharge me, I relapse."

"Oh wow" Alex sighed

"And no one's noticed that pattern?" S

"I have phenomenal health insurance, So why don't you guys get the hell out of here, I hate charity games. They're meaningless."

The trio shared a look of confusion, Alex titling her head "I feel like that logic is flawed"

"I don't think the charities would agree." Stiles frowned

"What's it for this year?"

"Cancer" Scott replied

"For or against?"

Alex shook her head, rubbing her face as the coach made her feel an un-normal amount of stress.

"Against, Coach. Deeply against." Stiles almost cried out.

"Yeah, okay, well, I'm deeply not interested." Coach justified himself, pointing back to the door.

"Coach, we need you." Scott pleaded,

"I will never coach there again." Coach declared.

"Oh my god" Alex groaned,

Coach Finstock looked at the annoyed girl, giving her a questioning look.

"That's okay. Because we don't actually need you to coach the game. We need you to forfeit" Scott explained

"Do you not see how sick I am!" He protested,

"Okay" Alex stood up, "you wanna know sick.. sick is being held in an old basement whilst some psychotic bastared drills a hole into your head."

Stiles winced, knowing this wouldn't end well.

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