Chapter 3

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"No it's actually B"  Alex correct him.

Scott let out an exasperated sigh, only days into his senior year and he was already pressure to drop the one class he would need most.

Kira rested her hand on his."it's okay you will get it"

He looked at Alex, "How do you make it look easy?"

Alex shrugged "I really don't know, I just know a lot of information on the body"

"Can I ask a question, not about biology?" Scott asked.

Alex nodded.

"Did you and Theo-..

"Oh my good god"  she mumbled, rubbing her face "It was 2 years ago I was a sophomore, it was just before I moved here"

"He's cute. Id let him" Malia admitted

Isaac sat with raised brows, his mouth gaped open "thanks"

Malia rolled her eyes "well I wouldn't actually do it"

Alex laughed quiet at the coyotes poor attempt to reassure her boyfriend.

Isaac glared at Alex "I don't know what you are laughing at, you are the one who slept with him"

"Who asked for your opinion?" Alex question.

The pair had done this a lot, as much as they cared for each other every so often a small bickering Match would occur, which they both agreed was how their friendship had worked.

"Anyway enough of my previous sex life" she brought the conversation back to topic 

"Shouldn't you be more focused on biology?" She asked Scott

Scott let out a sigh and stared down at the book "I'm just gonna drop the class"

Alex shook her head "Scott McCall you will do no such thing. Come on, you are a true alpha, a part time vet and constant town saver.. what's a little ap bi"

"A little?" His voice raised "Did you see the way she hounded me today"

"Scott you'll be okay, you are smart" Kira reassured him.

Stiles came scrambling towards the 5 of them with heaps of  paper work. He dropped it all on the table and looked at them.

"So you found something?" Scott asked

"Another signature." He confirmed showing them two forms .

"This is Theo's dad's signature on a speeding ticket from eight years ago. And this is his dad's signature on a transfer form to Beacon Hills High School from just a few days ago." He pointed to each form.

"How did you get his transfer form?" Kira asked

Scott looked at his  best friend disappointed "You didn't break into the Administration Office?" 

"No, I did not break into the Administration Office..."

Scott raised his brows, silently reminding the human that he could listen to his heart beat.

"Okay, I might have broken into the Administration Office." He broke, telling the truth 

Alex eyes widened "stiles seriously?"

"Are you really surprised?" He asked

She slouched, "yeah, good point"

"Can we just focus on the signatures, please?" He asked

"Alright what is it?" Alex asked, Leaning forward in her chair to get a proper look.

"They're different" he told them

𝙊𝙍𝙄𝙂𝙄𝙉𝙎 // 𝙎𝙏𝙄𝙇𝙀𝙎 𝙎𝙏𝙄𝙇𝙄𝙉𝙎𝙆𝙄Where stories live. Discover now