Chapter 26.

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Her breath froze. She stood still in her spot, the world seemed to have just stopped as she watched her sister collapse on the ground. Alex praying she would wake up at any moment .

Alex dropped to the ground "oh god" she cried

Alex awoke with a gasp "Allison"

Alex tugged on the restrains, she recognised the stained wall of eichen house the second her eyes opened.

Alex looked up, her eyes wide as valack walked in. Her breaths now shallow, "what the have you done!"

"oh good you are awake" he grinned

Alex stared at him, still pulling on the restrains.

"If you're wondering what happened, your friends scream came in use" he told Alex

"Allison" Alex mumbled "I.. I saw her"

"that's right" valack nodded "tell me. Didn't she die?"

"What do you want with me?" She asked, her voice trembling

"Well you see, you can do more then you think. Especially since you were last improved" he explained

"How am I in here? My dad would never.."

"That's right, but a signature is very easy to forge Alexandra" Valack smiled.

"Theyll know. They will know I'm missing" Alex pulled,

Valack held her phone in his land, "one phone call is all it takes"

"And if I don't?"

"Then I kill you"he shrugged,

"Do it!" She taunted, "if I die you don't get what you want"

"I thought you'd say that" he nodded, "I know your boyfriend is coming to see Lydia awfully soon. I could tie him up down here if you'd like? Let him relive his past institutionalisation"

"I swear to god, don't touch him!" Alex yelled, pulling on her restraints.

"All you have to do is give me the code. And call him"

Alex huffed, dropping her arms "I'll do it"

"code?" He asked

"3194" she replied Dryly.

Valack hit dial on stiles number, putting it on loud speaker. It dialled out "hey it's stiles and you missed me"

Alex shook, she swallowed a lump "listen, my dad called. He needs help with something so I'm gonna be gone for a days, or even weeks. I'm not really sure yet"

Alex choked back a cry, "tell Scott it's okay, we are okay. Just incase I'm not back for a while, I love you baby, I'll be in touch"

Alex sent a nod Valacks way, he ended the call.

Alex blinked a tear down her face "I.. I don't understand, what did you want?"

"Don't you understand? you have amazing abilities, you can do wondrous things Alexandra. You're are one of the first successes" Valack gushed,

"And after all... you did want to find me" he vaguely reminded her.


He tutted "silly girl. I take the face of anyone so what was I needed for?" He asked

"I'm not making small chat you psycho, you've got me restrained to this bed" Alex spat, pulling her bunch up fists

"Mhm" he drummed his fingers against his chin.

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