Guild and Dungeon

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As soon as the 2 enter the Guild they are greeted by a half elf with emerald eyes.

???: Hello King Ottar what can I do for you today.

Ottar just points to bell.

Bell: Hello my name is Bell Cranel and I would like to register as an adventurer.

Enia: Hello Mr. Cranel I am Enia and you just need to fill this out and you will be an adventure and can go to the dudgeon as you like. If you would like I  would be happy to be your personal advisor.

Bell: Ok and I would love to have a advisor. Also its fine if you just call me bell.

Enia: Very well Bell since this is your first day I would like for you to only go down to floor 1 and max floors 2 or 3. Would you like any guild weapons or armor.

Bell: Yes I would like to have a light sword and a spear.

Enia: Ok that would be 500 vails.

Bell pays for it and runs towards the dungeon. Ottar follows Bell for safety and to make sure he doesn't get killed by doing anything funny.

Bell is on the first floor of the dungeon he sees a goblin. Bell freezes the feet of the goblin then when it is trapped. Bell attacks the magic stone with his sword.

Bell: Yes I did it I killed my first monster. *excited*

Ottar: Bell the monster you killed was a goblin the weakest monster that exists even people without falna can easily kill them. While you have magic and a falna.

Bell: Don't worry I will keep going. Oh I got a goblin fang out of that.

Ottar: (He got a drop Item from his first fight that is insanely lucky.)

On the first floor Bell was killing goblins and kobolds so he decided to head down when he was about to head to floor 2 but before he could do that he saw a monster it looked like a rooster with fluffy yellow green feathers. Bell realized it wasn't attacking him like the goblins and decided to ask Ottar.

Ottar: That's a Jack Bird the most rare monster on the first floor but you won't be able to kill it. Because even if its not aggressive it is extremely fast and will run away if it senses any enemies are about to attack. *surprised*

Bell: Woah a rare monster. But why is it so rare?

Ottar: It's drop item is said to be at least 1,000,000. (That's why I am surprised he found it on his first trip to the dudgeon.)

Bell: Woah I will try to get it. *excited*

Ottar: Did you not just hear that I told you you won't be able to. *annoyed*.

Bell: I did but I have a plan. *smiling*.

Ottar: ...(what kind of plan) *slightly confused*.

Bell creates a block with his magic half hot/half cold creates a ice cage is too thick for the 3 to get out of it. Even Ottar is left surprised by the amount of magic that must have been needed. However a drawback of the magic half of Bell's body is frozen in ice. But due to the magic the Jack Bird gets killed by Bell and drops his drop item Jack Bird's Golden Egg.

Ottar: Well you got the drop item but try to not be so single minded because next time I won't be here to help you. *slightly mad and concerned*.

Ottar was about to shatter all the layers of the ice with a swing of his sword but.

Bell: Don't worry about it.

Ottar: ... *confused*.

Bell seeing Ottar confused decided to explain what whose words meant. Bell turn on the other half of his magic and melts all the Ice that was on him and around him. While doing so Ottar remained surprised due to the amount of power the magic.

Bell: See it doesn't matter how  I act with my magic I can always fix it.

Ottar: Yes. But that doesn't mean you can go around freezing or burning things.

So the rest of the day in the dungeon continued and at the end of the day Bell had killed countless amount of Goblins, Kobold and Dungeon Lizards he end up to the end of floor 5 and the entrance of floor 6.

Ottar: Bell you have been in the dungeon for a long time for a level 1 adventurer's first day we should head back. Also the dungeon isn't going anywhere.

Bell: Can we stay for a little longer I am just about to enter floor 6.

Ottar: You have already spend a hours of time here plus you lost your spear and your sword is almost broken.

Bell attacks a Kocold with his sword the sword sticks in the kocold's chest and breaks.

Ottar: I stand corrected. It is broken after all. *slight smile*.

Bell: Ok fine.

Ottar: Now let's go exchange your magic stones and drop items. After that we need to give you a room in folkvangr.

Bell: Ok.*sad*. But wasn't goddess Freya in Babel.*confused*.

Ottar: Goddess Freya stays at the top of babel to watch over Orario from their she can see all her children. That is how we had found you as well.

Bell: So when can we update your status.

Ottar: Lady Freya comes to Folkvangr once every week. You will be able to update your status then.

Bell and Ottar headed to the guild there they met Bell's advisor enia.

Enia: Hello Bell why did you come so late.

Bell: Hi. Sorry Enia I was in the dungeon.

Enia: So you stayed in the dungeon for 7 hours. You need to take better care of yourself. *worried*.

Bell: Sorry. I will.

Enia: So which floor did you reach?

Bell: The end of floor 5 and entrance of 6.

Enia: I had told you to only go to floor 3 max and you completely ignored my advice.*very angry*

Bell: Oh well it seemed very easy with my magic's. *scared*.

Enia: You have magic and more than one. *surprised*.

Bell: Yes I have had it since I was little.

Enia: Very well then but it is still very reckless even with magic. (This is unbelievable magic depends on your race or falna it is never heard of a human learning magic without having a falna.)

Bell: Yes. But can I order the same weapons I did before.

Enia: That won't be a problem but what happened to the weapons you got in the morning.

Bell: I lost my spear when I threw it and my sword broke in half when I fought a Kobold.

Enia: This is exactly why I am telling you to be carefull. *worried for Bell*.

Enia: *sight*. Lets go and exchange your magic stones.

Bell, Ottar and Enia when to the magic stone exchange. Bell put all his magic stones and drop items that were in his backpack.

Enia: The amount of money you made on your first day is 1,025,000!*very shocked*

Enia: You got 3 drop items and 1 of them is the rare Jack Bird Golden Egg. How is it even possible for a rookie adventurer to find a Jack Bird on his first day much less kill it and get its drop item!*shouts still very shocked*.

Ottar: Bell had already told you that he has a strong magic we have no need to give you any further information is that understood.

Enia: Yes. I am very sorry to ask you personal familia matters. *scared that Ottar would do something to the guild*.

Ottar: Good.

All those that had heard Enia's scream were shocked for a adventurer to get a Jack Bird Golden Egg with 2 other drop items on his first day. But the did not questition Bell because of Ottar being present there.

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