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Aiz Pov

Bell had just gone up on the wall semi frozen for the training he was going to do for the next 7 days.

Aiz: What in the world happened to you and why did you come here so early and this way?

Bell: There was a elf in the way to here I got in a fight with also I needed a way for those 4 to not find me and build up ice to get here so I got semi frozen also I just wanted to be early.

Aiz: There were 4 people?

Bell: Yes 3 of them were hiding but my goddess had told me that my skill can track people that are looking at me like you were on the 11th and 7th floor.

Aiz: Sorry your advisor had told me to save you from your supporter but your power was far to shocking.

Bell: Can I take a break before we start I had used a magic that takes a lot of mana.

Aiz: Sure it is still a while before 4 we will start then.

So Aiz asked Bell about the people he met before coming there.

Finn and the group had just found where Bell had gone and arrived they were surprised to see that Aiz was talking with Bell and seemed that she was paying attention to him.

Aiz: Is something wrong you got your guard up just now?

Bell: The people were with the elf I defeated are currently watching us.

Aiz: Oh well we can deal with them if they get in the way so let's just ignore them. (Bell had said it was a elf with green eyes plum with blonde a brown eyed dwarf and red eyes with a arua of a goddess and he fought a elf with orange hair and eyes. It seems like it was Finn, Riviera, Gareth, Loki and Lefiya from the sound of it. Well since I am going to be punished for this later by not do it anyway.)

Lefiya: We should teach that human a lesson for wasting Miss Aiz's time. *angry at Bell*

Loki: Yeah. *Same*

Riviera: You have no right to look down on him after all he has defeated you without even trying.

Lefiya: But I was not ready an-

Riviera: There is no excuse you were the one who had attacked first. *angry*

Finn: Either way I want to watch them Aiz has been paying a lot more attention to him than anyone else she had just met.

So Bell and Aiz were training together for the 2 hours when Bell was passed out Aiz had repeatedly given him lap pillows while playing with Bell's hair witch was very soft as revenge for him running away. This and surprised the group that was watching them and Riviera said it was recommended by her but the hair part was none of her doing but the group other than Lefiya couldn't help

Bell could not complain because he knew he liked it also whatever he said would not matter any way.

But something that was noticed by everyone there other than Bell was the enormous rate he was growing at his progress for the 2 hours was very visible.

After Bell left the executives went to Aiz she thought that she was going to be punished for training with a member from another familia but her doughs went away after they told her she was free to train with Bell but she should not do it behind their backs. Due to them not wanting to take away the happiness Aiz was getting from spending time with Bell. Also they told her she should not share this in

After the practice Bell had gone back home to folkvangr to do his magic training when he returned Hedin and Hogni had asked him what where he was seeing all the scratches on Bell's armor. Bell knew there was no point in lying told them the truth but had them promise that they will not act against the Loki familia.

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