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Bell 3rd person POV

After Ganesha got captured Bell went with Aiz to find and bring the god back. After a bit more than an hour later they saw Ares's army due to Bell being able to track them from the sky.

Bell: Ok I found them they are right ahead crossing a bridge. Lord Ganesha is also there he is currently guarded by 6 soldiers which seem really annoyed for some reason.

Aiz: They are probably annoyed  because he must keep talking or something its common, we will attack them as soon as they cross the bridge, a few soldiers can't no anything against us. Also remember not to use any magic from now on that might cause damage to the surroundings.

But to their bad luck even through the fog Ares familia's vice captain spots them and tells the army to go as quickly as they can which they do.

Due to the rush Ganesha falls of the bridge and barely stays on holding a rock on the cliff where the bridge was.

Ares: No all my hard work!

Marcius: Let him go he is not worth the risk anymore.

Aiz and Bell seeing that they have no choice left and went towards them.

When they were close Aiz went to help Ganesha while knocking out many soldiers in the way while Bell was fighting Garyuu the level 3 General of the Ares familia in normal conditions he would win but due to Garyuu being familiar with the place and Bell was not, Bell continued to get attacked due to Bell not able to use any magic or skills.

Just then the rock on the cliff Ganesha was holding breaks off and he falls down, seeing Ganesha fall down Aiz uses her wind and saves him from dying. While Bell kicks Garyuu away a bit and jumps into the cliff himself after bringing out his wings.

Luckily they all land safely and go to a village nearby. There the village Elder gives the 3 rooms inside his house for them to stay for a few days. They accept and ask what they can do to pay back.

Caam: There is no need to pay us back you are our guests currently so I can't ask you to do that

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Caam: There is no need to pay us back you are our guests currently so I can't ask you to do that.

Bell: We will accept anything you ask us to do, we would feel guiltily if we didn't.

Caam: I guess you can help us prepare some finishing touches at the festival today night but there is really nothing much and your friends can rest if they wish to.

Bell: Sure.

Aiz: I don't mind helping.

Ganesha: I am Ganesha so I will also help.

Caam: Aren't you a god but? *worried*

Ganesha: There is no reason to worry about my sake I do work around my familia all the time, this is noting after all I am the one and only Ganesha hahaha.

Caam: That... unique... haha... ha... *surprised not knowing how to respond*

Bell, Aiz and Ganesha helped carry things for the festival and then later helped cooking in which Aiz and Ganesha were not allowed because they messed up a lot of time and were just finally asked to look after the children in Edas village. While Bell on the other hand was the complete opposite and excelled at cooking so much that the villagers asked him to order everyone of them around the kitchen what they should do.

At night they started the festival in it Bell and Aiz seemed to have a lot of fun and later Bell getting all of his confidence together even asked Aiz for a dance which was cheered on by a lot of people. This all was happening to Ganesha utmost liking for his plan to succeed and he finally decided to make his move.

Ganesha: Bell and Aiz I have something to talk to you about. (Since they seem happy they might not think much this will be great.)

Bell and Aiz go to him and ask him what it was about.

Ganesha: I want to ask you 2 to join my familia after all you did save me from my death and don't worry I am always prepared for new members so you can just sign this. *pulling out contracts and a ink pen out of nowhere*

Bell: First where have you been hiding that and second I will have to decline I still wish to stay with Lady Freya.

Aiz: I will also stay with Loki even though she is really annoying I can't leave.

Ganesha: Well I tried. *makes the contracts and pen disappear like nothing was ever there*

Not long after Allen and Finn also arrive in the Village.

Finn: So we finally found you guys. *happy*

Bell: Hello.

Allen: Don't hello me!! It was all because of you that I had to go to all those villages and find you.

Finn: (But isn't this the first village we arrived at?)

Bell: Sorry my bad. Hahaha

Allen: I don't need an apology lets just go back already.

Aiz: Sure we found Ganesha so I guess there is no reason to stay here.

Caam: I have a suggestion, why don't you guys stay here for the night, it is dark and late also you said you been to many villages so you must need rest, also you have a god with you guys as well.

Ganesha: Ok then lets go back first thing in the morning then.

Bell: Ok, Finn and Allen also seem angry.

Allen: (That backfired.)

So they stayed for the night and the next day as soon as the sun rose the group went back to Orario after Finn and Allen were also told to find out what happened to Ares after Bell and Aiz stopped following them. In the end it turned out that he had just went back to Rakia empty handed because staying at the moment would have not done any good.

Bell in freya familiaWhere stories live. Discover now