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Bell Pov


Bell had just woke up when he woke up he took a shower got his spear and sword he brought from the guild and opened the door to his room when he did he say Hogni talking with a male white elf that had Gold hair with coral eyes.

Bell had just woke up when he woke up he took a shower got his spear and sword he brought from the guild and opened the door to his room when he did he say Hogni talking with a male white elf that had Gold hair with coral eyes

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Hogni: hello Bell. *when seeing Bell*.

Hedin: Hello you are the new executive right. Where are you going this early?

Bell: Yes I am and I am going to the dungeon right now I wish to be as strong as the other executives so I need to train harder.

Hedin: I see I am glad I hate incompetence and those who do not try to improve themselves likewise I hold esteem for the likes of you who ability and strive to improve themselves I think that is why Lady Freya made you a executive as long as you do that power is not a problem.

Bell: thank you very much. *happy and takes a bow*.

Hedin: One more thing you should come back early because in the garden the Freya familia does their sparring at 10 so you have 5 hours. But if I may ask why do you wield a spear with a sword it seems as a weird combination.

Bell: My spear helps me focus on long range and as for my sword I can replace it with any other weapon.Thanks for the sparring information I will be there. *leaves*.

When Bell leaves Folkvangr he heads towards babel and goes to the 6th floor where he kills multiple frog shooter and war shadows then when he clears the 6th floor he goes down to floor 7. When he is on the 7th floor he is surprised since doesn't see many other adventures or many monsters as the floors before.

In the end he decides to leave and go to the familia sparr training. But just when he was about to leave he heard.

???: Roooaaarrr.

When Bell looks back he sees it.

Bell: (Why in the world is there a minotaur on floor 7.)

When Bell was thinking that the minotaur came up to Bell and was about to kick him but Bell at the last possible second freezes the ground on the entire 7th floor trapping the minotaur. He then tried to cut the head of the minotaur off but his guild sword instantly breaks and Bell falls to the ground due to shock realizing that his weapons were not strong enough to kill the minotaur Bell decides to save his spear and freeze the entire minotaur and let it freeze to death but just when he freezed half the minotaur the minotaur realized what Bell was about to do and was able to break through the ice with difficulty he knocks Bell to the ground against the wall but the minotaur realizing that he won't be able to defeat Bell and even if he did he will be severally wounded so decides to run away just when he was about to do that a sword pierced through the minotaur's chest. It was the double edged sword of Aiz Wallenstein the Sword Princess. All of the blood of the minotaur falls on Bell.

Bell in freya familiaWhere stories live. Discover now