Level 2 and new partner

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After Bell had got back to his familia mansion his goddess had updated his status in the middle of it he had woke up due to his goddess's scream.

Freya: Bell has just turned level 2!!! *scream excited*

This had surprised the Freya familia along Loki, Hephaestus and Hermes and their families whose executives and some members were in while the rest had left.

At this Aiz had come in to the room with the rest just behind her.

Bell: What happened and where am I?

Freya: You are currently in my room I am updating your status. And note to self I also need to start locking that door this is the second time in a row something like this has happened.

Hedin: Sorry. our instincts made us do this.

Finn: Yes if someone from my familia told me that it was possible to grow as fast as he could. I worry for their sake and now it is actually happening right in front of me.

So Freya ordered everyone to leave the room and continued to update Bell's status.

After exiting Finn asked Ottar why Bell was growing so fast and Ottar simply said he did not know which was a lie that the gods there were not able to detect because it was partly true because he did know why Bell wanted to be stronger so much.

Ottar: The only thing I know is he believes he needs to get stronger very quickly not matter the price.

Freya: Either way now that you are leveling up which development ability do you want.

Bell: What are my choices.

Freya: There are 3. "Resistance" which protects you a little against physical attacks."Hunter" which makes it easier for you to kill the monsters you have already killed it is a rare ability. Also "Luck" This is the first time a development ability like it has shown up it must be extremely rare and if I had to guess it is probably how it sounds.

Bell: After everything that happened this month I will take luck.

Freya: I guess that is a good choice because you will be able to get the other 2 later if you wish but what has been happening this month you are the only one to blame.

Bell: Right.

Freya: Also you got some new skills and magic as well. *hands Bell his status sheet*

Name: Bell Cranel

Age: 14


Familia: Freya

Strength: SSS 1367 - I 0

Endurance: SSS 1365 - I 0

Dexterity: SSS 1429 - I 0

Agility: SSS 1455 - I 0

Magic: SSS 1452 - I 0


Lilaris Fresse

Lie detector


Berserk fighter- the more Bell keeps getting hurt the more stronger and faster his attacks will keep getting.


Half hot/half cold

Magic cage


Angel heal: Can heal any injuries such as regeneration, curses, the only thing it can not do is bring someone back from the dead or recover mana. The greater the injury the more mana it takes to heal.

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