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Freya Pov

After Wiene was brought inside Folkvangr many of the members wondered who the person was and were on tio find out but stopped when Freya told them not to come in contact with Winie without Freya's permission.

The next day Freya had taken Wiene for a walk outside to show her the surface with Ottar guarding them like usal. Also all 3 of them were covered in coats like most of the time they are outside.

Unfortunately a man on the street ends up bumping into Wiene and revealing her identity to the people around which as usual scares the citizens.

Lucky for the citizens plenty of level 1 adventurer were around them and protect everyone and were about to attack Wiene. Who due to the sights of anger, disgust and fear she saw in the gazes of everyone around her was frozen stiff due to fear and shock.

What was even worse that due to the reveal of her identity Freya was unable to do anything to help.

In the end seeing that Wiene was frozen in shock Freya ordered Ottar to take her back to Folkvangr without anyone noticing.

Which Ottar did by grabbing Wiene and taking her back to Folkvangr and due to his enormous speed not even the first rate adventurers that came in his way were able to see him pass them.

All the adventurers were in shock that the monster in front of them just magically disappeared.

Some guild members near tried to calm everyone down after they reported to the guild and asked strong families to help but in the end got nowhere in the search.

A few days later the ones that knew about Wiene had a meeting in the Folkvangr meeting room.

Hedin: This is impossible no one should have been able to trace anything about Ottar's movements then how exactly did they find out. *Looking at a sheet on the table from the guild saying to bring Wiene to the 20th floor*

Hestia: This is all Freya's fault she is the reason they found out its the only way.

Allen: Shut up! *Angry*

Hestia: Sorry... *scared*

Hedin: That can't be it Ottar's movements were untraceable while goddess Freya was in disguise the whole time so no one near them could have found out it was us who was with the Vouivre.

Bell: So are we going to do as the guild ordered us?

Hedin: At this moment we dont have much of a choice and maybe if we do as we are told we might get a bit more information about her species.

Freya: Fine then, Jhon and Bell you are going there since you are the ones who first found her so its most likely that she would trust you two more for the time being also Hedin and Allen you are going with them to protect them from anything unexpected.

All: Ok. *In their own words*

The next day exactly at 11 pm Allen, Hedin, Bell, Jhon with Wienie in disguise entered the dungeon and headed to the 20th floor.

While on the other hand Freya with Ottar and Hogni for protection went to a part dadulues street.

Ottar: You can come out now we know you are over there.

For a moment there was a silence and nothing could have been heard.

But then a very deep voice that seemed unmatchable to any race or gender responded.

Fels: Looks like I have been spotted.

Freya: So are you the one who send us that letter?

Fels: That is correct, I wanted to return that monster back to her group and brought you here to give you the information that you had wanted.

Fels then takes Freya, Ottar and Hogn to Uranus and leaves while Uranus gives them a explanation.

(I am not going to go in detail since most of you know it better than I do because I had mainly skipped it when I was watching it.)

Bell POV

During the time when Freya was talking to Uranus as for the group in the dungeon had just met with the Xenos in whom only the weaker members fought the Freya familia where they were completely overpowered while Lyd, Gros and Ray stayed out since each one of had the strength of an advanced level 6.

After a while things finally calmed down and they had a chat in the end Wiene was kept with her race while the rest returned back to the surface.

A day after coming back to the surface the Freya and the rest of the families had another meeting about their new findings.

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