Armor Shopping and Silverback

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Bell Pov

It was morning and Bell was not allowed to go to the dungeon today so he tried to sneak out of Folkvangr. When doing so Hedin and Ottar saw him trying to escape. So they stopped him.

Bell: This is not what you think. *scared and nervous because he tried to defy order to not go to the dungeon*

Ottar: We know you were trying to go to the dungeon but that's not it goddess Freya said we all we go to buy you armor today.

Bell: I see. *surprised*

So about a hour later Freya, Ottar, Hedin and Bell reach the outside of babel.

Bell: So where are we going?

Hedin: The Hephaestus familia sells their items on the top of babel.

Bell: Are there any good light armor there that I don't have to spend a lot on.

After that Hedin tells Bell to just follow them and the group goes to the highest floor in the Hephaestus shop. Where Hedin explains to Bell that low ranked smiths of the Hephaestus familia sell their creations on the floor for a cheap price and Bell should look around.

About this Bell felt happy because he had saved up 4 million vails up till now.

Bell was looking around but nothing had caught his interest and was about to leave but something caught his eye in a box there was a white light armor with red stripes on it when he was the name it was Rabbit Pyonkichi level 1. The price was 11,000 vails which was very low for Bell currently so he decides there is no reason not to buy it.

Bell pays for the armor and meets up with his group and when the group they all laughed at it even Ottar who usually remained expressionless was not able to hold back his laughter.

After they leave babel Freya gives Bell his new weapons and a arm guard.

Bell: This is amazing where did you even buy this weapons wait all the weapons have the name Hephaestus. Does that mean?!*shocked*

Ottar: Yes the goddess Hephaestus made all the weapons herself after Lady Freya's request.

This left Bell and Hedin extremely shocked and wondering how much something to that scale cost.

Bell: and what exactly are the markings all this weapons have?*confused*

Freya: It is because the weapons are alive the stronger you will grow the stronger they will get.

Hedin: (I never even knew weapons like that could have been made.Bell really must be incredible to be worthy of receiving this type of weapons.It seems that I am the one who needs to keep trying in a few ways.)

Bell: Thank you very much. *bows*

Freya: This weapons were the best match for you. Normal weapons wouldn't have lasted long and you would have ruined the edge of Durandal weapons easily.

Bell: *ashamed*.

Afterwards the group decided to return to Folkvangr because it was evening and it was getting dark.

After diner Bell went in his room to go sleep.

The next day he woke up and did his morning routine and went to have breakfast when he finished he was going to go to his room to put on his new equipment to go to the dungeon. But when he was about to he was stopped by Allen.

Bell: Is something the matter?

Allen: A few of the familia and all the executives are going to the Monster Feria festival that is held once every year so you can not go to the dungeon today.

Bell: But I do not want to go to the festival.

Allen: It is your duty to go as one of the executives.

Bell: Fine.*defeated*.

After that Bell goes to his room and takes his new jet black knife that his goddess named Obsidian knife.

(Author note: I suck at naming things.)

Due to Bell thinking he could just leave when his familia was not paying attention to him in the festival.

Freya Pov

Freya had gone to the cages of the monsters the ganesha familia had captured there she had charmed a silverback and ordered it to attack Bell.

Freya: (It makes me sad to make a order like that but I need to test Bell if he is worthy.)

Bell Pov

All the people that were going to the Festival had left and Bell was also leaving but when he was walking through the crowd and was surprised by how many people were going to the festival.

When he was just outside of the stadium he saw monsters leaving the stadium including a silverback that was staring at him.

Bell noticing this decides to go to a less crowded place to fight so the silverback doesn't hurt the citizens.

So Bell making sure that the silverback follows him runs into daedalus street.

There the silverback hits Bell using his chains as wips at the same time Bell freezes all the armor and chains the silverback has breaking the ice the silverback lost its protection. Then Bell try's a frontal attack charging to the silverback but the silverback just punches Bell in the air.

While in mid-air Bell grasps one of the ropes clothes were hanging on and uses it as a slingshot sending him to the silverback and stabbing the silverback in its chest.

After that all the people that were watching the fight were applauding Aiz who was there after receiving a request from Enia to kill all the monsters that escaped was smiling and headed off with her goddess.

The freya familia members came out of the crowd and praised Bell due to how he fought but also yelled at him because they knew the only reason he brought a knife was to go to the dungeon when they got distracted so Allen took away the knife and said he will return it when the festival ends.

Afterwards the familia went to the festival to watch the ganesha familia tame monsters.

After the festival ended Bell got his knife back and was going to go to the dungeon because it was still evening but was again stopped by Allen saying it was his punishment for trying to leave.

Freya: One more thing Bell you should go to the guild to report that you had defeated the silverback and collect your reward Allen will be going with you to make sure you do not do anything stupid.

Which they did and Allen had told Bell that he should get a supporter tomorrow to make it easier and more efficient for Bell.

Bell did not like the idea of wasting his time to find a supporter but agreed if it made him stronger faster.

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