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Bell Pov

Bell had just woke up, he realized that someone had placed him on his bed again. Bell realized that he was dirty and decided to take a bath, brush and was about to jump out of his window, with his weapons but realized that it was already night about 8. So just decided to go out of his room the normal way, by opening his door, when he does so he see's Allen who was just about to knock on Bell's door.

Bell: Allen, is there something that I can help you with?

Allen: I was just assigned to knock on your door every morning and night, to check on you, till you woke up.

Bell: I see, by the way how long had I been in mind down.

Allen: 3 days.

Bell: (I knew I went far over my limits with those 2 attacks but to think it sent me to mind down for that long isn't that a bit too long.) *shocked*

Allen: I know, what you are thinking and even if it seems like a long time to be in mind down, I would say that you got the easy way out I mean you did get out of your first mind down in less than a minute.

Bell: Right.

Allen: Well I am sure the amount that your stats increased would be worth it. Lady Freya and that boar are currently at the top floor of Babel.

Bell: Ok, I will go there right now.

Allen: Shouldn't you wait till morning?

Bell: No way, that is too much of a wait. *making a cross with his hands*

Allen: Fine, I guess I should have expected that from you, by the way we are going to a party today at the Hostess of Fertility.

Bell: Ok, who is coming there.

Allen: Our, Loki, Hephaestus, Hermes , Takemikazuchi families along side that friend of yours Karen and a friend of the Takemikazuchi familia is coming who was going to celebrate on their own but we decided to invite them because our gods think they have something to do with what happened on the 18th floor are all going to a party today

Allen: I will come with you to Babel. *sigh*

Bell: Thanks, I appricite it.

Allen: If you get lost, I will be in trouble because I let you wander off, plus I am guessing you still don't know how to get to the top floor being the idiot you are.

Bell: Ok.

Allen: Ok now lets hurry to go to Lady Freya we have to go with her to the bar.

Bell: (That logic makes no sense to me but) Sure (Arguing with a member of the Freya familia about a matter like this is useless.*admitting defeat*.)

Bell and Allen head to the top floor of babel where Freya and all the other executives other than the ones who were at the bar were.

Hedin: You woke up surprisingly quickly.

Bell: Yea, I heard it from Allen, by the way Vinir congratulations on becoming a executive, I heard it when leaving folkvangr.

Vinir: Thanks, after my level up it only made sense.

Freya: Well I know, why you are here right now, so lets do this quickly, we don't want everyone waiting for us do we.

All: Ok.

Freya then upgrades Bell status and to say she was surprised was a understatement.

Freya: Ahhhh!

Freya's scream was heard by everyone outside but they had gotten used to it by now, after all it was happening every time Freya upgraded Bell's stats.

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