First Trip To The Middle Floors

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Bell, Lili and Welf had met outside Babel wearing salamander wool capes because today was the day they were going to the middle floors. They entered the dungeon and easily made it to the entrance of the 13th floor due to Bell's high status.

When they were about to entered Bell and Welf were laughing because they had wanted to go to the middle floors for as long as they have been adventurers but never got the chance till now.

They then reached the 14th floor all without Bell having to use his magic a single time there they encountered a group of almiraj Bell friends teased him saying the almiraj were meeting their long lost brother then they started fighting all of the monsters there. Not too far away was another party there they had about 6 members one of them was injured by a almiraj ax. The party saw Bell's group and decided to do a pass parade on them after all the life of one of their own was more for them than strangers.

When they were about to leave the floor boulders fell on the entrance and both parties were trapped.

Lili: A pass parade. *scared*

Mikito: No! *seeing they all were going to die due to the huge amount of monsters*

Just when a hell hound was was about to bite Welf. Bell froze all of the monsters on the floor alongside freezing all of the walls so no more monsters spawn.

 Bell froze all of the monsters on the floor alongside freezing all of the walls so no more monsters spawn

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Welf: Wow Bell how did you do that-? *super shocked buts sees Bell half frozen*

Welf: Wow Bell how did you do that-? *super shocked buts sees Bell half frozen*

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Welf: Bell are you alright? You can hear me right? *worried*

Bell: Don't worry this just happens to me whenever I use a lot of my magic at the same time it will start to freeze part of my left side while I use it.

Welf: I see.

Bell: Now get in a safe position.

Welf: Yea.

Bell: You all should probably wear your salamander capes.

Okua: Right everyone listen to him.

Everyone of Okua's party does as Bell told them and Okua puts Chuigica cape on her because she was hurt.

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