Casino Heist

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Bell Pov

After Hephaestus left, Ryuu got who was there told everyone that she needed to leave since she was going to a casino for a quest that was given to her and that Freya wanted to go with her, hearing this most of the Freya familia executives decided to tag along and the Loki familia decided to go with them just to have fun at the casino.

Bell who was in a bad mood about what happened, decided to go to the dungeon. 

Ottar: Wait a second...

Bell didn't hear Finn, since he opened the window and flew to the entrance before anyone could say anything to him.

Ottar: ...You forgot your weapons and armor. *sight*

Bell was currently heading down the dungeon at a fast pace, while blasting any monster that came in his way with his magic as soon as it was born.

On the 16th floor his mana was half way down he realized that he didn't have any equipment with him, so he decided to head back since half of his mana seemed more than enough because most of the floors were empty because Bell has cleared.

When he headed back he saw a party that looked confused.

Bell: Is something the matter with you.

They just answered that there was nothing wrong and they came down because they wanted to face the floor boss.

Bell: Well then I am sorry for that I already killed it the last time I was here.

Aisha: Well if that is so then I like to fight you in a duel right here right now. *excited*

Bell: Why is that? *confused*

Aisha: I need to do something to level up to level 4 and beating you might just do the trick.

Bell: If that is so then you will have to wait a bit, I can't fight you right now. *tries to leave*

When Bell was leaving Aisha attacks him which Bell easily dodges, since Aisha wasn't being serious.

Aisha: Well it's sad for you, I wasn't asking, now lets fight.

Bell: Fine I am busy but I will deal with you first. *angry*

Bell: Answer my call...

When Bell says that a black lighting comes from the top of the floor.

When Bell says that a black lighting comes from the top of the floor

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Bell: Dark Spear. *excited*


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