New magic

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Bell Pov

A few days had past since Bell lost his knife. Bell and Lili still were going to the dungeon and Lili was getting most of the income. on a certain day Bell had let his guard down and was about to be attacked by a huge group of needle rabbits and killer ants. When Bell saw them he knew that he wasn't going to be able to attack them all at once so he decides to freeze them all. When he did there was a killer ant and needle rabbit behind him about to attack. Bell was slowed down because he was partially frozen so couldn't use his full speed. Just then Lili uses a magic dagger and burns the killer ant making it easy for Bell to deal with the needle rabbit. But it surprised Bell because he knew Lili was after his positions.

Bell: Wow that was a magic weapon right?

Lili: Yes but I don't like to use because it makes me tired.

Bell: I see.

Lili: But that magic of yours how did you get it?

Lili: Also it has a drawback to freeze you.

Bell: I just somehow used it when I was 3 years old and have been using it since also I don't think much about being freezed because I can easily remove it.

Lili: I see but may I ask how long you have been a adventurer?

Bell: About a week or 2.

Lili: You mean you learned a magic before you became a adventurer.

Bell: 2 actually (Half hot/Half cold and magic cage of course) .

After the small talk monsters start spawning Bell with his left side melts all the Ice on him and kills the monsters that spawned and the ones that he freezed.

Lili: (So that is his other magic. So freezing him to get those weapons won't work) Master Bell may I ask to have a day off tomorrow?

Bell: Sure you can have one whenever you like.

Lili: Master Bell which blacksmith do you have a contract with. (I can easily get the weapons tomorrow when Master Bell sends them for maintenance.)

Bell: My blacksmith contract? *confused*

Lili: It is the blacksmith that makes your armor and weapons as well as gives them maintenance.

Bell: My weapons were made so they never get dull so I don't need a contract.

Lili: (Do weapons like that even exist. Guess that also won't work *sight*.)

After that Bell and Lili headed back to the surface Bell had again asked Lili to divided the money 50/50 but Lili of course took more again and reported to Bell that it was equal. Which Bell knew was not true due to his skill but did not say anything.

After the slip up Bell went to folkvangr and to the room of Freya where Freya, Allen and Ryuu who were the only ones who knew about Lili were present along with the rest of the executives who Ryuu explained to about Lili.

Bell: Lili actually had saved me when I was in trouble.

Allen: How many times do you plan to get in trouble anyway?

Bell: I would have been fine its just Lili acted before I did anything.

Hedin: Then it seems that she is trying to get out of her family.

Ottar: What do you mean?

Hedin: The soma family members have to pay a fee if they wish to leave their familia.

Bell: What why is that?

Hedin: It may be dirty but it is not against the rules and some familia's use that to their advantage.

Bell in freya familiaWhere stories live. Discover now