Apollo's Party

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Bell Pov

Bell was currently sparring with Hedin and Hogni, just then 2 men had come outside the gates of the folkvangr.

Hogni: Let's go see what they want, your training for now is done.

Bell: Sure. *tired*

Bell, Hedin and Hogni go check on who was at the gates and find Hyakinthos and Lissos.

Hedin: What are you doing here?

Hyakinthos: Lord Apollo has decided to host a banquet, we came here to invite you. *gives the envelope with the emblem of the Apollo familia to Bell and leaves*

Hedin reads the letter and tells Bell that he should take the day off and get a better outfit to go to the party that was in 3 days.

Bell: Ok I will. *leaves to his room to change*

Hedin: Let's go tell Lady Freya about this it says that you are allowed to invite 15 people.

Hogni: Ok lets go.

After 3 days we can see the Freya, Ottar, Allen, Hedin, Hogni, Bell, Gulliver brothers and Vinir entering the banquet. There many gods greet Freya and tell her how good her new dress looks.

Some even goes as far as asking Freya to a dance but Freya rejects all of them and when they wanted to say something that can change her mind, the Freya familia just scared them off.

Bell seeing the situation doesn't want to get in the way and just gets far away from his familia and sits on a bench in the galery.

Finn: You don't seem to getting well with your familia. *appearing behind Bell*

Bell: Finn? *surprised*

Bell: Please don't ever appear from behind me again.

Finn: Yes, I apologize for startling you like that.

Bell: But shouldn't you be with your familia?

Finn: If I do then there will be a lot of attention on me, and I don't exactly want to be surrounded by a lot of women again.

Bell: Well I guess with you being a level 6 that should be common.

Finn: What about you?

Bell: I just am not used to be around so many people.

Finn: Well you will have to start soon, I mean after the feats you have achieved until now you will be in the center of the light.

Bell: That is basically impossible I am still a 3rd rate.

Finn: One that can beat first rate adventurers, with his magic alone.

Bell: Well my magic is all that I have at the moment. *sad*

Finn: Don't worry you will get stronger soon I am sure of it. (Man how can he be so courageous in a fight and the exact opposite when he is not.) *trying to make him feel better*

Bell: Yea sure.

Finn: Well how about we go talk to Lord Apollo, I mean he is the one who hosted this party.

Bell: No thanks, you can do so if you like, it is not my kind of thing, plus he might not even notice me after all he is already surrounded by so many people and gods.

Finn: (Yup inside and outside of battle he is definitely so different that it might even be believable that he is not the same person.) Fine, but we can wait.

Bell: Sure (He isn't going to budge is he? *sigh*)

Bell and Finn head towards Apollo and the ones that were surrounding him. As soon as Apollo see's them he leaves the ones around him and goes to them.

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