Floor 18

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Aiz Pov

2 days had gone by since Bell passed out and Aiz was keeping watch over him in her tent.

Aiz: You really are unbelievable, why can't you care for your own safety even once and have to keep moving forward, you know you will get in trouble if you keep going like this. *touching his forehead*

Just then Bell starts to wake up a bit, Aiz immediately takes her hand away and Bell starts to open his eyes, when he did he realizes he was in a tent. So quickly get's up but when he tries to do so he falls on Aiz who was right in front of him. doing this he turns very red and quickly jumps back.

Bell: I am extremely sorry I did not mean to do that at all Miss. Aiz. *very red*

Aiz: Don't worry you are still healing.

Bell: Either way where are we right now.

Aiz: This is my tent, I decided to let you stay here till you woke up.

Bell: I see, where are the ones that came here with me.

Aiz: They all had no major injures your are the only one who was hurt.

Bell sights in relive after hearing this and Aiz just laughs.

Aiz: You don't change do you, you always think of others before yourself.

Bell: Sorry but most of them are level 1's, so I can't let anything happen to them.

Aiz: There is nothing wrong about that, but you still shouldn't take such risks, after all there are people out there that worry about you like me.

Bell: Right. *blushing*

Aiz: Let's go report to the others that you are finally awake.

Bell: Sure.

Aiz: Do you need me to help you walk?

Bell: No I am just fine.

Aiz: Do you not like that? *sad*

Bell: That's not it's just embarrassing for me to be always taken care of by you.

Aiz: Ok fine.

So Bell and Aiz go meet Ottar, Allen, Hedin, Hogni, Finn, Gareth, Riviera, Shakia and Tsubaki who were in the main tent.

Tusbaki: You are Bell Cranel right I saw your fights against that minotaur and your familia member Vinir, due to that I would be happy to be your blacksmith.

Bell: That is a good offer, but I already have a blacksmith that I want to stay with.

Tusbaki: Well then I guess I lost to him huh.

Hedin: Returning to the topic at hand, why did you come so deep?

Bell: Well it wasn't my intention but on the 14th floor we all got traped so we decided to come down here to get some supplies and then return to the surface.

Shakia: Well then after I heard of all of your achievements, I am willing to make a exception and allow you and your friends to come to the expedition with us.

Bell: Before I would have accepted it right away, but I can not risk the safety of my friends for my desires.

Shakia: You don't have to worry about while you were unconscious we gave the choice to your friends and they all accepted.

Bell: Well then I want to go to the expedition. *excited*

Ottar: (I was having doubts about what happened to him when he declined but it looks like he is still the same.)

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