Bell VS Mord

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Mord Pov

Mord: How did that Rabbit Foot make it down here on his first try? *mad*

Mord hits his fist on the table in anger. Then one of his friends decides to talk to him.

Man1: Hey Mord are you just jealous of that boy or something? *teasing him*

Mord: Don't act like I am the only one mad about this you all are as well, we have been adventures for a very long time, it took us years to come all the way down here. While that kid did this on his first try. Not to mention it took us so long to level up but he did it in less than a month.

Man1: Yea, we need to teach him the code of a adventures.

Man2: But what can we even do, the rumors say that he became a a executive due to his enormous strength to defeat first rate adventures even when he was level 1? *worried*

Man1: That has to just be just a rumor there is no way something like that can be true. The Freya Familia must have created it to cover up his weakness.

Mord: But even then we need to do something to separate him from those 4 families.

Man2: Think what should we do?

Hermes: Well then let me fix that for you.

Mord: How long have you 2 been there. *scared looking at Hermes and Asfi*

Hermes: Long enough to hear everything.

Mord: We can explain. *scared*

Hermes: Don't be scared I am here to help you.

Man2: Huh? *confused*

Hermes gives them the magic item Hades Head.

Mord: Isn't this?

Hermes: Yes, its to help you defeat Bell.

Mord: But why are you helping us? Aren't you the ally of Rabbit Foot?

Hermes: I am his ally but just like you I need to test him. (He has already impressed me with defeating Nine Hell and that rage minotaur, but that is not enough.)

Mord: But how do we lure him out of that camp? (If we can have this god do that for us then we can easily teach Rabbit foot a lesson he will remember.) *happy*

Hermes: Well just challenge him.

Mord: huh? *confused*

Hermes: One of the few things I learned about him by now is that there is no way he can hold back the urge to fight.

Mord: I see.

Mord: Hey tell everyone to come and see me wipe the floor with that Rabbit Foot cheater.

Man 1 and 2: Ok we will.

Mord send a invitation letter for Bell to come to a battlefeild near the 18th floors cliff.

Bell Pov

Bell was currently talking with Welf, Okua and Karen getting to know Karen better. Just then Asfi comes in the tent.

Bell: Hello is there something I can help you with?

Asfi: A letter had arrived for you from a adventurer.

Asfi gives Bell the letter from Mord and leaves.

Bell reads the letter and saw:

Hey if you are receiving this letter you must be Rabbit Foot of the Freya Familia,

If you dare to then come near the 18th floor cliff right before the 19th floor.

I challenge you to fight a duel against me.



Bell: Sorry to leave you guys like this but there is something I have to do right now.

Hedin: What is it? Please tell me you are not going to get yourself into another fight? *sad who just came in the tent with Hongi*

Bell: Well there is nothing I can do about that, he was the one that challenged me.

Hedin: That still doesn't mean you should go.

Bell: Yes but if I  don't go then it will be a symbol that our familia is weak.

Hongi: Fine, if that is the case then you can go. But hurry there will be a meeting in half and hour if you don't come to it you are not going to the expedition tomorrow.

Bell scared instantly takes his equipment and runs to where he was supposed to fight Mord.

Bell: Alright I am here now lets fight. *panting*

Mord: Ok, but why in the World are you in such a rush. (I know that Hermes had told me he loves to fight but this seems a bit to much he must have came running asw fast as he could here.)

Bell: I only have half an hour to return back or else Master Hedin will make sure I won't go to the 59th floor.

Mord: Well don't worry it won't take that long for me to defeat you.

Bell: You stole my line.

Mord then breaks a crystal and throws the dust in Bell's eyes and when Bell opens his eyes again Mord had already used Hades Heads to become invisible. But something that Mord did not know was that Bell doesn't need his eyes to see Mord. The whole crowd of 20-30 adventurers cheer for Mord. But every time Mord tried to attack Bell, Bell easily blocked the attack or dodged it.

Mord: (How am I not able to hit him there is no possible way he can see me)

Hermes: Looks like I undermasted the ability The King said that Bell has to track others by their gaze. Its a good thing we are up here.

Now Bell decides to go on the offensive due to the amount of time it was taking.

Bell: Alright you are really staring to bore me now.

Bell then kicks Mord's head breaking the Hades Heads reveling Mord. Mord tries to attack Bell with his sword but Bell just freezes Mord's feet so he can't move anymore.

Bell: Looks like I won.

Bell unfreezes Mord feet and runs back to the camp.

Mord: I admit he really is something completely else.

The meeting happens and in the end it is decided that The front lines will be Finn, Gareth, Ottar, Allen, Hedin and Hongi. Bell, Riviera and Lefiya will stay as mages they will be given protection by the Gulliver Brothers. Also Welf, Okua, Mikoto, Lili and Chiugusa were allowed to come but are not allowed to do anything with the fight and will be protected by Rual, Tsubaki and Karen at all times.

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