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Bell Pov

When Bell and Allen were returning home they saw a man trying to attack a palum girl but Bell immediately stopped the attack of the man's sword with his knife.

Man: Who the hell are you and why are you getting in my way?!

Bell: That doesn't matter and I can't just let you hurt her.

Man: I will just take care of you with her.

Allen: Shut up if you try to hurt my familia member I will kill you!

Allen: Shut up if you try to hurt my familia member I will kill you!

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Man: Crap Vana Freya. Know this brat this isn't over just yet. *runs away*.

Bell: Thank you for saving me.

Allen: You could have just done it yourself why didn't you.

Bell: I thought it would be best to hold back and not get in trouble.

Bell: Where did that palum go? *confused*

Allen: She probably ran away. *sees the palum hiding and watching them from a corner.*

Bell and Allen decide it is best to head home after dinner Bell goes to sleep while Allen heads to Freya's room.

Allen Pov

Allen knocks on the goddess's room and enters when Freya gives him permission.

Freya: Hello Allen has something happened?

Allen: When Bell and I were coming back from the guild Bell helped a palum girl and the palum girl had ran away and was watching Bell from a distance.

Freya: Let's hope that Bell doesn't get in trouble due to her.

Allen: Yes Lady Freya. But are you sure that we should leave Bell to take care of her.

Freya: If something happens Bell can easily take care of himself.

Bell Pov

Bell had just woke up got ready ate breakfast with the executives which was starting to be normal for him now. After breakfast he got his equipment for the dungeon but only 1 of each weapon because he can't use 2 of the same types of weapons anyway.

Just outside the dungeon Bell remembered Allen had told him to get a supporter for the dungeon. At first Bell was mad to waste his time for something like finding a supporter but knew it was for the best so decided to look for one.

Just when he was about to start searching a voice that sounded like it belonged to a girl said something.

Girl: Hello Mr you with the white hair.

When Bell looked back he saw no one was there.

Girl: Down here Mr.

When Bell looked down he saw the palum girl from the day before.

Bell in freya familiaWhere stories live. Discover now