Hestia Familia and Bell Vs Apollo familia

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Bell Pov

Bell had went to the Hestia familia due to the order of Hestia to wanting to have a meeting.

Hestia: Since we all are here let's create a plan on how to defeat the Apollo familia.

Bell: There isn't much to it all we have to do is defeat their captain how hard can that be?

John: You are taking this pretty well, it was very recently that the 3 commanders had become level 3 each, and combined with the level 3 advanced captain this battle won't be easy at all if I fight all 4 of them myself then I would still be in a lot of trouble even when I am a advanced level 4. Also don't forget if we lose then we all will have to leave our familia even you, after all that was the condition.

Bell: I know that much.

Hestia: So we should attack the Apollo familia on the last day when only a few hours are remaining, after all at that time their guard will be the lowest, since they probably will believe they have already won.

John: No that won't work, what you are saying is the most common tactic, it won't have any effect on them, plus I am sure that they will know if we were to do so.

Bell: Well then how about we attack them at the start.

Jhon: How so?

Bell: How many of the commanders can you take on by yourself?

Jhon: 3 with about 20 level 1s and less than 5 level 2s at most. *confused*

Bell: Very well then we can use a few magic swords.

Jhon: Its not possible for us to afford magic swords.

Bell: Don't worry, before I came here my blacksmiths had visited me and gave me these. *giving John 3 magic swords*

Bell: You should show up at the castle with these there is no way they won't send their commanders there to fight you with some members. By the way if you hadn't noticed the dark blue is lighting, the red is fire and the light blue is ice. Each one of the swords should last at least 2 uses.

Jhon: Even then there is still the captain of their familia how are we supposed to deal with him, I doubt I will be able to face him. *confused*

Bell: You can leave that to me.

Jhon: What are you planing. *worried*

Bell: I will face him 1v1. What else?

Jhon: I can't allow you to do that even despite the feats you have achieved it is impossible for a beginner level 2 to defeat a advanced level 3, you will fight him with Mark, Will and Max the only level 2s we have at the moment. If all of you fight him together then you may stand a chance, but make sure when you attack him there is no one else with him.

Bell: Fine.

Jhon: Well now then we should get going the War Game is starting tomorrow at 12 so we should leave right away to reach them.

Jhon Pov

On the day of the War Game Ganesha's familia member had announced its start, at the very same moment Hermes getting permission from Uranus, created magic mirrors all over the city that showed everything that was happening.

As soon as the bell rang as sign for the War Game to start. Jhon attacked 2 of the castle walls with the 2 of the magic swords. Luan send the 3 commanders with 70 other level 1 members to defeat Jhon. But they were all attacked by the magic swords leaving only the 3 commandes behind.

Jhon: (Well now that most of them are gone our families should be evenly matched, the level 1s will be able to hold off the Apollo familia. So I need to finish these 3 and go with Bell to help that group.)

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