Rivera And A Date

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Bell had just gotten up and took a bath in a river nearby and went to have breakfast but what was most noticeable was how happy he was today, just by looking at his face you could tell that something very good had happened to him.

Just then Welf and Okua walk up to him.

Okua: Bell I know that you are very happy about your date but you have to not be so noticeable.

Bell: For the last time I already told you that it's not a date. *angry*

Welf: Fine, but still you are drawing too much attention towards yourself, if this happens then you might get in trouble with the Loki Familia lower members.

Bell: There is no way any of the lower members can defeat me even in their dreams. *bored at the thought*

Welf: Well I hope that you just have fun.

Bell: Thanks. *happy*

Just then Freya, Loki familia executives and Tubuski along with Hermes, Lili, Mikito, Chigusa, Vinir Lefiya walk up to them.

Ottar: Bell is there something special you are doing today?

Finn: Yea, you seem really happy.

Bell: Nothing much I was just thinking I would look around Riviera. *trying to hide his excitement*

Hedin: You should probably take someone with you who has been there before so you don't get lost or in a fight you can't handle.

Bell: There is no way someone that's a third rate adventurer can defeat me. (I am not stupid enough to get into a fight with a second rate adventurer also I don't think there are any other first rate adventures here than our group.)

Shakia: One day that overconfidence will be your greatest enemy.

Bell: Yea, I will see about that.

Shakia: Looks like arguing with you is useless

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Shakia: Looks like arguing with you is useless. *sight*

Vinir: You learned that pretty early.

Hedin: Still knowing how many fights you gotten used to I am not letting you go alone.

Bell: Don't worry Ms. Aiz is coming with me, she is also the one who is going to show me around the city.

Tiona: I also want to come if Aiz is coming.

Lili Lefiya: Me as well.

Okua then looks and Welf.

Okua: Me and Welf are also coming.

Welf: (Yes we can't let everyone disturb Bell's moment.)

Bell: (Please tell me they are not thinking what I think that they are thinking. *nervous*)

Bell: (Well I do not mind I have no problem with them getting me some time alone with Ms. Aiz.*embarrassed*)

Everyone else who had not said they were going or not yet realizes what Welf and Okua were trying to do and decides to give them a hand.

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