Bell Vs Minotaur

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Finn Pov
After Aiz had come back to the mansion Finn, Riviera and Gareth were teasing her about want to be given the lap pillow by Bell after she had woke up.

Aiz not able to handle the embarrassment any more ran away to her room blushed at this the 3 of them couldn't help but laugh at her new beviour.

Finn: That boy has changed Aiz so much in less than a month.

Riviera: Yes even if he is a rival form your enemy familia I can't help but feel grateful to him for what he has done.

Gareth: Well it is true that we had multiple years with Aiz and she still doesn't talk much about the dueguon and fighting with us while on the other hand how she acts due to that boy is something that I never thought we would get to see.

Finn: Yes but dispute this change I am worried to have him as a oppenent.

Riviera: Yes not only will Aiz go back to how she was before but if someone from your familia underestimates him and let's their guard down like I had done then they are done for.

Gareth: Yes but I know that you all are already aware of this but he wasn't giving that battle all he had.

Riviera: Yes from what I know he has at least 4 different magics and he is just starting as a adventurer I have no doubt he will learn more magics.

Finn: We know that his 3rd one is that hole that absorb the magic and he is also able to return it back to his oppenent. But do you have any idea what the 4th one is?

Riviera: There was another time when I had found him in mind down when me and Aiz were coming back after her defeating Uduaes. That time there was a lot of water around him and the floors he passed by. So he probably has some water attacks.

Finn: I see we will have to find out more about it later.

Bell Pov

Bell had come back home it was about to be dinner time he changed into his casual clothes and headed to the dining room.

Bell: Lord Ottar welcome back. Where were you?

Ottar: I went to the middle floors I have prepared a challenge that might just be what you need to level up I had created it my self for you so would you do accept it.

Bell: You have put a lot of your time in it also there is no possible way I can ever turn down a challenge.

Ottar: Very well know if you wish to win you need to surpass your limits and break though your shell of fear. I will bring it to the 9th floor after dinner you can go early and face it there tomorrow morning after join the expedition team.

Bell: Ok.

Freya: (I really hope that nothing bad happens to Bell.)

After Ottar had left and come back from the dueguon after this Freya had dicided to update Bell's status before his first adventure.

When Freya was updating Bell's status she couldn't help but scream due to how supprised she was.

Freya: Ahhhhhh!

Name: Bell Cranel

Age: 14

Familia: Freya

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