Saving Lili

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Lili Pov

Lili was currently running away. When she was on floor seven she checked in the backpack.

Lili: Wow this weapons must be worth a lot they are made by the goddess Hephaestus. *shocked*

Lili: Without them Master Bell will still be able to get out of there but not fast enough to get this back. I am sorry but this is only for my freedom.

Just then the adventurer Bell saved Lili from had come there.

Adventurer 1: Hah you even got a magic knife and some hephaestus weapons made by the goddess of the forge herself. This time that boy won't save you since he has seen your true colours. Canoe you brought it right.

The adventurer and his group take everything Lili had.

Adventurer2: Hah this brat even got a magic knife and some hephaestus weapons made by the goddess of the forge herself.

Adventurer 3: This is great.

Adventurer 4: I want the hephaestus weapons as my share.

Adventurer 5: That's not fair then the distribution will not be equal.

Adventurer 4: Fine just give me at least the magic knife with the bow as well.

Canoe: We can take care of the dirtrutions later first we have something to do.

Adventurer 2: You brought it right?

Canoe: Yea here it is. *throws a bag with a dying killer ant towards Lili.

Adventurer 5: A dying killer ant always calls for its kind.

Adventurer 4: Hey the edge of this weapons is dead.

Then All of them try try their weapons and see it is all the same in the end they decided to just sell and leave with the money as soon as possible later.

Lili: Please I will give you everything help me.

Adventurer 1: Then where is the loot you have collected.

Lili tells them where she has stored her money in order to save herself.

Adventurer 3: Well then now as promised we will help you... be a better supporter by dying for us.

All: hahahaha.

Bell Pov

Bell had just arrived at floor 7 there he saw that the group was leaving and Lili was beat up and was about to be killed by a killer ant.

Aiz had also arrived but she stayed out of everyone's vision to see how Bell would deal with Lili and the group.

Aiz: (I should not interfere with that boy right now he deserves revenge after all that palum had tricked him.)

Lili: (I deserve to die after what I had done to Master Bell.) *closes her eyes because she knows she was going to die*.

Just when the killer ant was about to kill Lili Bell had freezed the whole floor freezing all monsters and freezes all adventurers other so they can not make a move than himself and Aiz who he did not know was present.

Lili: This magic it belongs to Master Bell.

Just then all of them see him.

Adventurer 1,2,3,4,5 and Canoe: We are all ready to give you everything we have please do not kill us. *scared*

Bell unfreezes his frozen part and the frozen adventurers and kills all of the monsters with his other side.

Bell: Just give me my weapons back I do not need anything else.

All: Yes. *scared* *They gives him his weapons back*

Lili: Lili will take all the punishments you give for tricking you.

Bell: There is no need for that I knew about it the whole time with my skill I only did nothing to find your true motives. My familia is willing to pay your way out of your familia as well.

Lili: Why would you do something like that for Lili.

Bell: You reminded me of my past self so I decided to help you.

Bell: Tell your god to come to the top floor of babel.

All: Yes. *leave*

Bell also leaves to report to his goddess about the meeting.

Hedin: Is that so?

Bell: Yes but I like to ask something.

Hedin: What is it?

Bell: I will pay for Lili.

Hedin: Why? *surprised*

Bell: I was the one who came up with the idea plus I have saved more than over 10 million so it will be no problem.

Freya: Sure I have no problem.

So everyone agreed with Bell's decision due to Freya agreeing.

Aiz Pov

Aiz was still standing in surprised due to how much power Bell's magic has and him not taking any revenge like she would have to and he just forgiven Lili and the others.

She was later taken out of her shock when some monsters had approached her and realized that she had missed another chance to apologize to him. But remembered that she still had Bell's armguard and headed towards the guild and met with Enia.

Aiz: Hello Bell is safe but he had dropped his arm guard I want to return it to him.

Enia: I see you can give it to me I shall give it to Mister Cranel the next time he comes here.

At this Aiz seemed a bit unhappy.

Enia: Miss Wallistien is something the matter?

Aiz: I wanted to give it to him personally to get the chance to apologize as well.

Enia: I understand I will prepare a room for the 2 of you.

Aiz: I will help since this is due to my request.

Enia: Sure thank you.

Bell Pov

The Freya familia executives and goddess were currently meeting the Soma familia 

Freya: So soma will you let us take Lili.

Soma: Sure I have no objection you have paid me the money after all.

After this Lili joins the Freya familia and learns the truth about Bell's rank in the familia.

Lili: So the rumor of a level 1 being a executive of the Freya familia was about you.

Bell: Yes. Well I will go report this to the guild now.

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