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(The Police Station)**************

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(The Police Station)

Diana lived by one philosophy... breaking the rules isn't bad unless you get caught. That was until she made one simple mistake that would fuck her life for the entire summer. As the handcuffs locked around her wrists she knew she had finally gone too far. Her parents were sure as hell not going to bail her out. No matter what life threw at her Diana was a survivor. She always found a way around tricky situations but as the officer forced her body into the police station she could feel the fear growing inside her.

Diana obnoxiously blew a bubble with the gum in her mouth and popped it as loudly as she possibly could. She blew it again and popped it loudly over and over again.

"Stop that before I rip that gum out of your mouth." The officer warns her.

"Woah... someone's cranky today... you must hate having to arrest teenagers all day long.... why don't you go buy yourself a donut or something... just hand me those keys and we can both be on our separate ways." Diana says in a carefree tone as she wiggles her hands around in the handcuffs.

"Nice try." The officer replies sharply.

Diana rolled her eyes. The officer was way older than her and he was stale as hell which meant she wasn't going to be able to persuade him into letting her go.

JJ sighed as he played with the toothpick in his mouth. He hated that his best friend was currently in a prison cell for a crime he didn't commit.

"JJ. What are you doing here?" One of the officers asked him curiously.

"I'm here for the beautiful view obviously." JJ replies sarcastically.

The officer doesn't seem amused as she glares at him.

"I'm actually here for..." JJ begins to tell her but gets interrupted by the door slamming open.

"Woah! I can feel your hand on my waist... this is sexual assault!" A dark haired girl yells dramatically.

"Shut up." The officer replies sharply as he pushes her inside the police station.

She blew a bubble with her gum causing a loud popping sound to ring through the small police station. JJ bit down on his tooth pick as he recognized the girl. Something about her was captivating that immediately caught JJs attention. She was hot to say the least and JJ was intrigued by her. She was wearing handcuffs as the officer led her towards the front desk.

"Pop the gum one more time and I'm gonna make you spit it out." The officer warned her.

"Or I could take it out with my mouth." JJ says flirtatiously.

The girl looks up at him as she gives him a dirty look. JJ immediately recognized her face.

"Diana? They finally caught you." JJ teases her as he looks her body up and down.

He had seen Diana at school before but they really only interacted when he was hammered. She was the type of girl that didn't waste her time on boys like JJ maybank.

"Fuck off JJ." Diana snaps as she looks away from him.

JJ laughs as he leans against the counter.

"Stay here and wait." The officer tells Diana before leaving the room.

"What are you in here for?" JJ asks her curiously.

Diana turns her attention back to the blonde boy in front of her. She noticed the tooth pick immediately as he chewed on it and the backwards hat that sat on his head. She knew JJ was attractive but something about him in that moment made him seem like the hottest person she had ever laid her eyes on. He pulled the tooth pick out of his mouth as Diana blew another big bubble. She popped the bubble loudly as her eyes locked with JJ's. Diana knew in her mind not to waste her time on boys especially not one like him.

"Vandalism." Diana tells him sharply.

"Ah.... What did you vandalize?" JJ asks her curiously.

"Rafe Cameron's stupid bike." Diana says in a very serious tone.

JJs eyes widened as a smirk formed on his lips.

"How did they know it was you?" JJ asks her as he places the toothpick back into his mouth.

"I wrote my name on his seat." Diana says as a small smile forms on her face.

"That's my girl." JJ says playfully.

"Asshole deserved it. He's a fucking psychopath. Speaking of psychopaths... I heard they caught John B." Diana says subtly as she watches for JJs reaction.

JJs smile falls as he clenches his jaw.

"John Bs not a psychopath." JJ replies sharply.

"Okay... I'm just surprised you aren't the one behind bars." Diana says hoping to change the subject.

"I'm also surprised that I'm on this side of the police station... still sucks that my best bud is in jail for something he didn't do." JJ says sarcastically.

"At least your not the one stuck in handcuffs." Diana mutters as she lifts up her arms.

JJs eyes landed on the handcuffs tightly wrapped around her wrists.

"Handcuffs aren't the worst thing to be stuck in.... I mean they can be used for other things." JJ says seductively as he bites down on his toothpick.

"Oh really? What type of things are you insinuating JJ?" Diana asks him flirtatiously.

JJ takes a step closer to her. Diana feels herself nervously take a deep breath as he towers over her small body.

"I bet you would just love to see what I could do to you with those handcuffs on." JJ whispers in her ear.

JJ watched as Diana took a deep breath as JJs eyes stared into her eyes.

"I...." Diana stuttered as she struggled to form words.

"You what?" JJ asks her flirtatiously as a smirk forms on his face.

Diana hated that she couldn't even get a single word out due to him being so close to her. JJ pulled the tooth pick out of his mouth as he leaned forward. His eyes slowly flickered to Diana's lips. Diana's mind turned into literal mush as he was inches away from her. The tension between them was undeniable. JJ was tempted to kiss her but he needed to keep her on her toes. JJ looked past her as he threw his toothpick away in the trashcan behind her.

"I guess I'll see you around." JJ whispers before stepping away from her and leaning back against the counter.

Diana was left speechless as she looked over at him. She thought he was going to kiss her but she should have known JJ Maybank would always be playing a game with her. Diana's officer walked back into the room.

"Ugh... just take me to jail already... I can't stand being in a room with this jackass much longer." Diana complained as she glared at JJ.

JJ winked at her causing her heart to stop. She hated how he was making her feel. He knew how to mess with her feelings and he knew he had an affect on her.

"See you later sweetheart." JJ yells as he waves her goodbye.

Diana sticks her tongue out at him causing JJ to laugh. JJ watched as the door closed leaving him alone with his thoughts. He knew Diana could sense the tension between them but JJ was confused why he couldn't get her off of his mind. He played with a bunch of girls feelings before but Diana was playing with his emotions without even trying. He wanted her badly and he only had one full conversation with her.

I'm so happy to be writing about JJ again 😩 him with his toothpick and motorcycle 🥵

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