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"You brought her back here? The cops were literally swarming around here not even two minutes ago." Pope yells frantically at JJ.

"JJ... I'm not a doctor I don't know what to do with her." Kie tells him sharply as she looks down at the unconscious girl.

Diana's body was layed across the couch as the three teenagers stared at her. JJ looked down at her causing a negative feeling to form in his stomach. His head was throbbing from the previous blow to the head he took but he didn't give a shit about himself he only cared about Diana. He clenched his jaw in order to not lash out on the people around him as he stared at her unconscious body. Her neck was laced with bruises that were exactly the size of Rafes finger prints.

"JJ... your heads bleeding." Kie says in a soft tone.

"I really could care less Kie." JJ snaps back at her.

Kie sighs as she hands him a rag to wipe the blood off of his face.

"Pope don't you read about bodies all the time! Fix her!" JJ yells angrily.

"I study dead bodies.. and she's not exactly dead yet." Pope says in a quiet tone.

"Yet? So you are just gonna sit there on your ass and watch her die!" JJ yells frantically as he runs a hand through his hair.

"She has a pulse and she's breathing... she should be fine." Kie tries to reassure JJ.

"Relax." Pope tells JJ sharply.

"Don't tell me to relax... this is my fault... Kooks always fucking win... Rafe always fucking wins." JJ says in a frustrated tone.

He gently grabbed Diana's hand as he rested his head on her chest. He could hear the faint sound of her heart beat.

"It's not your fault... Rafes a dick... and she's not gonna die JJ." Kie tells him softly.

"Well technically she could die because her breathing is so faint... and I'll stop talking now." Pope rambles nervously.

Kie glares at him as JJ feels even more uneasy about the whole situation.

"The cops are going to come back here... you can't be here when they come." Pope warns JJ.

JJ ignores him as his eyes remained glued on the unconscious girl in front of him.

"Diana..." He whispers as he gently shakes her hand.

"What's the plan JJ? Are you two just gonna run away together? John B needs your help." Kie says in a serious tone.

"I don't know Kie... okay... I don't know everything." JJ snaps back at her.

"Being around her doesn't benefit you in anyway.. she's just putting a target on your back." Kie tells JJ sharply.

"I don't give a fuck Kie... I'm not gonna abandon her.... and once we get the gold I can pay for her restitution." JJ tells Kie angrily.

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