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(Stuck Between Two Idiots)**************

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(Stuck Between Two Idiots)

Diana had been in a lot of awkward situations during her life time but this one definitely would take the gold for worst possible scenario. It wasn't the fact that her body was practically squished between two boys or that all three of them were currently in handcuffs. It was because one of them was JJ which wasn't bad at all except for the fact that the person sitting to her right was Rafe Cameron. They both wanted to kill each other and Diana was waiting for them to start beating the crap out of each other.

"The station isn't that far from here." Shoupe reassured them as he steered the boat.

Diana knew they were a long way from the station and she could feel both Rafe and JJs eyes on her. She noticed Rafe scoot closer to her and Diana immediately scooted her body closer to JJ. She took in his familiar scent as she felt him wrap his arm loosely around her waist.

"You good?" He asks her curiously.

Diana nodded as she turned to look up at him but his eyes were on Rafe as JJ had a cocky grin stuck on his face. Diana scoffed in disbelief as she pushed JJ off of her and scooted back towards the middle of the two boys. She felt so stiff as she tried not to be close to either boy but it was impossible when both of their legs were inches away from her legs. Rafe kept moving in his seat as he nervously ran a hand through his hair. He was impatiently tapping his foot as his leg kept moving back and forth. Diana could feel his leg constantly hitting hers causing her to glare at him.

"Can you sit still for two seconds?" Diana asks him sharply.

"Fuck off." Rafe snaps back.

Diana angrily turns to look at JJ who's eyes were currently zoned in on Rafe.

"JJ I know you have a crush on me but stop staring." Rafe yells playfully at JJ.

JJ goes to stand up as he gets ready to hit Rafe but Diana yanks his body back down into his seat.

"Don't." Diana tells him sharply.

"Yeah listen to your bitch." Rafe says in a taunting tone.

Diana wastes no time digging her nails into Rafes leg.

"What the fuck?" Rafe yells in pain as he pushes her hand off of him.

"Do me next." JJ says flirtatiously as he grabs Diana's hand.

"Shut up." Diana says as a small laugh leaves her lips.

Rafe grabbed his leg in pain as he stared at the claw marks Diana inflicted on him. Meanwhile Diana's eyes landed on JJs bruised face.

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