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(The Police)**************

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(The Police)

Diana felt JJ quickly grab her waist as he led her out of the room.

"The cops are here! Guys! What are we gonna do?" Pope yells as he starts panicking.

"You can't turn me in..." Diana says nervously as she turns to look at JJ.

"Oh my god... this would look terrible on a college application... my dads going to kill me... I'm housing a fugitive." Pope says frantically.

"Pope! Shut up!.... Me and Diana are going out the back...you take care of the cops." JJ orders Pope.

Diana feels JJ grab her hand as he quickly leads her to the back door. Diana could feel the familiar nervous feeling grow in her stomach as the glow of blue and red lights flashed through the door.

"What if they find me?" Diana asks JJ nervously.

"They won't." JJ replies sharply.

He opens the back door slowly as they hear the sound of a car door slam shut. JJ gestures for Diana to follow behind him. The moment Diana steps out onto the porch she feels JJ push her body against the wall behind her. Diana loses her breath as more fear fills her body. JJs face is inches away from hers as he puts one finger up to his mouth.

"Hey officers!" Pope yells nervously from the front yard.

JJ can see a small look of panic on Diana's face. She was good at hiding her feelings from most people but JJ could tell she was scared in that moment. He realized how close he was to her and that his hands were holding her body against the wall.

"It's gonna be alright." JJ tries to reassure her.

Diana weakly nods as she listens for the police.

"Pope... I know you know why we are here." Shoupe says loudly.

"Uh... actually I'm a little lost on why you are here." Pope stutters nervously.

Diana feels JJ grab her hand as he slowly starts making his way down the stairs of the back porch.

"Can I come inside and take a look around?" Shoupe asks Pope curiously.

"Uh sure." Pope says awkwardly.

The sound of the front door opening and closing caused JJ to start sprinting down the stairs. Diana frantically tried to keep up with him as he nearly dragged her down the steps.

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