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(The Third Floor Bathroom)*************

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(The Third Floor Bathroom)


JJ aggressively pushed Diana's body against the bathroom wall as he started kissing down her neck. He wasn't wasting any time as he started to unzip the back of her dress.

"Somebody's horny." Diana teases him as she laughs.

"Shut the fuck up." JJ mutters as he places his lips on her lips.

Diana laughs into the kiss as JJs lips aggressively move all around her neck and chest. She moans as he finds the sweet spot on her neck and roughly kisses it. JJ smirks as he places his lips back on Diana's mouth. Their tongues fought for dominance as JJs hands slide up and down Diana's body. JJ slips his tongue into her mouth as Diana's heart wouldn't stop beating at an excessive rate.

"I've been wanting to take this thing off of you since the moment I saw you wearing it." JJ says breathlessly as he stares at her dress.

He smoothly unzipped the rest of her dress leaving it barely hanging onto her body. JJ let it fall to the ground as he pulled his lips away from her. Diana groaned at the lost of contact with JJs lips but stopped complaining when his hands started playing with her bra straps. He stared down at her boobs with awe as he slowly unclasped her bra.

"Fuck." JJ whispered under his breath as he looked down at her bare chest.

JJ started kissing down her neck and stopped the moment he reached her bare breast. He took a deep breath as he could feel Diana's body shiver against him. Diana could feel her heart beating as she stared down at JJ and waited for him to touch her again. He placed his mouth on her boob causing her to intake a deep breath. He moved his tongue around her nipple causing her to moan.

"Be quiet... a teacher could hear us." JJ says sarcastically.

"I don't give a fuck." Diana says breathlessly as JJ laughs.

JJ was so hard as he continued to lick Diana's boobs. He needed her so badly and watching her fall apart beneath his touch only made it worse. JJ kissed down Diana's stomach and he pulled his lips away as he reached the top of her underwear. He smirked as he took a step away from her and ran a hand through his hair. He looked her up and down as he took in how beautiful she was. Diana groaned as she was tired of the teasing and wanted to give JJ a taste of his own medicine.

"You have too many clothes on." Diana tells him seductively as she takes a step closer to him.

She tugs on the bottom of his shirt as she tries to take it off of him.

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