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(Spiking The Punch)*************

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(Spiking The Punch)

The moment Diana walked into her high school gym she felt a little tipsy. She tripped due to her heels being very high. She felt JJs hands tightly grab her waist as a laugh left his lips.

"You gonna make it through the rest of the night?" JJ asks her sarcastically.

"I'm fine." Diana replies sharply as she pushes his hands off of her.

JJ looked down at her as his eyes scanned her body up and down once again. JJ bent down so his lips were close to Diana's ear.

"Do you even know how hot you look tonight?" JJ asked her in a low tone.

Diana felt her face get extremely hot as she could feel JJs breath on her neck.

"I'll be right back." JJ tells her as he heads towards the refreshment table.

Diana gives him a confused look as she follows behind him. JJ looks around him as he had a suspicious vibe surrounding him. He pulled out a small bottle of alcohol as he got ready to pour it into the punch.

"Are you seriously spiking the punch?" Diana asks him in disbelief.

"No... I'm adding apple juice to give it flavor." JJ replies sarcastically.

He starts to pour it into the punch causing Diana to smack his arm.

"Awww.. is little Diana too good all the sudden to break any rules." JJ taunts her as he pours the rest of the alcohol into the punch.

"No... I'm just embarrassed that you think spiking the punch is a dangerous rule to break. I could do much better." Diana tells him sharply.

"You got something better in mind?" JJ asks her with a mischievous grin on his face.

"You know how the principal filters the music so it's clean... well.... what if a really inappropriate song came on... on accident and no one could turn it off." Diana says in a innocent tone.

"Or... we could have sex in one of the classrooms which is probably the most rule breaking we could do here." JJ says seductively as he takes a step closer to her.

Diana nervously swallows as she stares up at JJ towering over her. He had so much desire in his eyes and she knew he wanted her badly. The song changed and Diana's face lit up.

"This is my favorite song... we have to go dance." Diana says as she grabs JJs hand.

"I wouldn't think you would be the type of girl who dances at homecoming." JJ says to her as she drags him onto the dance floor.

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