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(Rafe Cameron)**************

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(Rafe Cameron)

Diana frantically pushed her body up off of the sand. Every bone in her body ached but she paid no attention to the soreness as the fear was too much for her. She tried to put pressure on her injured leg but the pain was overwhelming. She hopped on one foot as her eyes landed on the boat getting closer and closer to them. Why the hell was Rafe Cameron coming towards them?

"We should get out of here." Diana says nervously.

JJ remained sitting on the sand as he seemed unfazed.

"I can kick his ass." JJ says in a cocky tone as he plays with the sand beneath him.

Diana looked down at him in disbelief.

"Rafe Cameron is insane and I destroyed his bike... holy fuck.. he's come to murder me.. and he's going to bury my body in the sand.. let's leave before he gets the chance." Diana says in a panicked tone.

JJ looked up at her as he took a deep breath. JJ had a strong hatred for Rafe but the thought of him hurting Diana made him hate the other boy even more. JJ was completely exhausted from swimming to shore but he pushed his body up as he squinted at the boat.

"Maybe he just came to relax on the beach." JJ says in a carefree tone.

The sound of a gun shot caused JJ to tackle Diana onto the sand. His body was completely covering her body as he felt her cling onto him tightly. Diana squeezed her eyes shut as she prayed she wouldn't die in that moment.

"Hey Friends! You look lost! Need a ride!" A familiar cocky voice yells.

JJ could feel Diana shaking beneath him. JJ turned to look at Rafe who was currently getting off of his boat.

"What the hell could you possibly want?" JJ asks him sharply.

Diana opened her eyes as she saw Rafe making his way towards them.

"I don't know... your psycho friend destroyed something that belonged to me." Rafe says angrily as he gestures to Diana.

Diana watched as Rafe waved his hands around his head as if he was struggling to think of what to say next.

"The dudes obviously fucked up in the head... so let's just get out of here before he does something stupid." Diana mutters to JJ.

Diana goes to grab JJs hand and the moment she does Rafe pulls his gun out of his pocket and points it directly at her. Diana stops as she feels herself take a nervous deep breath. Rafe takes two steps closer to her.

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