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(Late Night Boat Rides) *************

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(Late Night Boat Rides)

Diana was peacefully sleeping on the Routledge boys couch when she felt two hands attempting to shake her body awake. The shaking was very aggressive and hard to ignore.

"Diana." JJ whispered playfully as he attempted to shake her body awake.

"Go away." Diana huffed as she turned her body away from him.

"I can't sleep." JJ complained.

"That's not my problem." Diana snapped back at him.

"Technically it is your problem because I couldn't get you off my mind....which is the reason I am unable to sleep." JJ says flirtatiously.

"Go cuddle with Pope or something." Diana mumbled as her eyes remained closed.

Diana hated when people interrupted her sleep and she was completely exhausted from all the shopping they did.

"Get up..." JJ groaned as he nudges Diana's body.

"Noooo.... We have homecoming tomorrow...I need my sleep." Diana yelled back at him.

JJ pulled her blanket off of her and Diana felt pissed at the blonde haired boy.

"JJ I am literally going to kill you." Diana huffed as she got up.

She picked up her pillow off of the couch and started hitting JJ with it.

"Just go to bed JJ.. I'm tired." Diana said in a sleepy tone as she could barely keep her eyes open.

"But I got the boat all ready... and I promise you can bring your blanket." JJ says in a mysterious tone.

"What are you even saying? My tired mind can't comprehend the words coming out of your mouth." Diana replied sharply.

JJ felt a smile form on his eyes as he took in Diana's appearance. Her hair was very messy and her tank top straps were loosely hanging off the sides of her shoulder. She looked beautiful and she literally had just woken up. He wanted to hold her body in his arms as she looked like she might fall asleep standing up.

"Don't worry about anything... just trust me." JJ says softly as he takes a step closer to Diana.

He gently wraps his arms around her waist as she looked extremely drowsy. Diana rested her head on JJs chest as she took in his familiar scent.

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