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Diana impatiently swung her feet back and forth as she chewed the gum in her mouth. The flavor was gone by now but it was a distraction from the fact that she was bored out of her mind waiting for her parents to never show up. The officer called her parents but she knew that even if they picked up the phone they still wouldn't show up. Diana got herself into this mess and she needed to get out of it. She sighed as she laid down on the cold bench beneath her. She was royally fucked and no one was going to save her. Diana closed her eyes knowing it was going to be a long night.

The sound of someone whistling caused Diana to open her eyes.

"Yoo-hoo.... any hot girls locked up in here?" A familiar voice says in a cocky tone.

"JJ?" Diana yells in disbelief as she quickly sits up.

Her face landed on the familiar blonde haired boy as he looked at her through the prison cell she was currently being kept in.

"Gotta be quiet princess." JJ warns her as he puts a finger up to his mouth.

"What the hell do you want?" She asks him sharply.

"No need to be crabby... it could be worse... you act like your being kept in a prison cell or something... oh wait." JJ says sarcastically as a grin forms on his lips.

Diana reaches her hand through one of the bars and smacks JJ in the head.

"Owww... Jesus... never mind... I'll go help someone else." JJ replies dramatically as he grabs his head.

"Last time I check you're broke as fuck and can't pay my bail... therefore I am headed to prison for a year!" Diana yells angrily as she crosses her arms across her chest.

JJ didn't realize before that the top she was wearing showed off her cleavage causing him to nervously run his hand through his hair before turning his attention back to her eyes.

"I'm already breaking one person out of here... might as well bring another along for the ride." JJ says in a low tone.

"Are you serious?" Diana asks him in disbelief.

"Dead serious baby." JJ says in an excited tone.

"Are you insane? Breaking people out of prison is highly illegal and very difficult." Diana whispers aggressively.

"Don't worry... I got a plan." JJ reassures her.

"I'm sure it's dumb as fuck." Diana snaps back.

JJ rolls his eyes at her as he gets as close as he can to her cell. Diana takes a step closer so her face is inches away from his.

"All I need you to do... is get sick enough to be transported to the hospital." JJ tells her in a serious voice.

"That's easy... looking at you makes me highly ill." Diana replies jokingly as a smile forms on her face.

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