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(The Long Boat Chase)**************

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(The Long Boat Chase)

"Can this go any faster?" Diana yelled frantically as the familiar sound of sirens blared through her ears.

"Don't you think if it could go any faster I would be going faster!" JJ yells back at her.

Diana anxiously looks back at the sheriffs boat that was following them at a very high speed. JJ makes a sharp turn in hopes of getting the sheriff off his tail. The entire boat jerked to the side causing Diana's body to go flying towards the left side of the boat. Her body slammed into JJ's side as her hair flew all over the place. JJ kept one hand on the wheel as he used his other hand to grab her waist and try and help her regain her balance.

"Pfff.... I think I just ate a piece of your hair." JJ groans as he spits frantically.

Diana can feel her face get hot as she tries to recompose herself. JJ had his hand gripped around her waist very tightly sending chills through Diana's body. She gently pushed his hand off of her as she turned around to see how close the sheriff was to them at the current moment. He was directly behind them causing Diana's eyes to widen.

"We are so fucked." Diana mutters nervously.

"We are not fucked... I mean I would like to fuck you... but we are not fucked." JJ says jokingly.

Diana ignores his comment as she turns her attention to a boat coming directly towards us.

"Who's this asshole literally coming directly towards us... are they stupid?" JJ asks Diana frantically as they both squint at the boat coming into view.

"Maybe they don't see us." Diana says in a hopeful tone.

Even she knew she didn't have good enough luck for that to be the reality. The boat started to get closer and closer as it didn't seem to stop. As it came into view JJ and Diana both recognized the boat. They both looked at each other with pissed expressions.

"We are screwed... want me to to spell that out for you... S.. K... R..." JJ tells Diana frantically but she quickly interrupts him.

"It's a C not a K... idiot." Diana teases him.

"Sorry I can't win the spelling bee when I'm about to die." JJ snaps back at her.

"Maybe Sarah is on the Cameron boat." Diana says with fake enthusiasm as she stares at the expensive boat that was speeding directly towards them.

"Fuck... if they corner us Diana we will have nowhere to go." JJ says nervously as he looks in front of him and then behind him.

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