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(Off The Deep End)**************

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(Off The Deep End)

The icy water stung JJs skin as he aggressively kicked his legs against the current to keep himself from drowning. He gasped for air as he came up from the water. He moved his wet hair out of his eyes as he frantically looked around him. He had no clue where he was and he didn't know where the closest form of land was.

"Diana!" He yelled as he whipped his head around.

He squinted against the sun as his eyes scanned the surface of the water. JJ felt an overwhelming feeling of anxiety as he realized she was nowhere to be found. His mind instantly assumed the worst.

"Diana!" He screamed as his voice cracked.

He didn't care that he was freezing and struggling to keep his body afloat.. he needed to know Diana was okay. Diana frantically flailed her legs and arms back and forth as her head finally reached the surface. She gasped for air as she frantically looked around her.

"Fuck.. I thought you were drowning." JJ says breathlessly as he starts swimming over to her.

Diana couldn't respond as she started coughing due to the water in her lungs. She tried to breathe but she felt like her lungs were collapsing on her.

"You good? What happened?" JJ asks her gently as he gets closer to her.

"You threw us off a cliff is what happened." Diana snapped back as she started coughing again.

"Would you rather have the police find us?" JJ asks her sharply.

Diana shakes her head as she struggles to breathe.

"Hey... are you alright?" JJ asks her in a soft tone.

"Of course I'm not okay... my leg was stuck under your stupid motorcycle and..." Diana begins to say but can't speak anymore as she starts chocking up water. Diana was struggling to keep her body afloat and JJ hated to see her look so helpless.

"Don't talk... I got you." JJ says softly.

He grabs her body and she wraps her legs around his waist as she looks around them.

"I don't need you to carry me like a baby." Diana complains as she tries to take deep breaths.

She felt tears form in her eyes as her chest felt like it was getting compressed over and over again. She looked around hoping to see any signs of land. She shivered due to the cold water on her body. She wrapped her arms around JJ as he held onto her tightly. JJ could feel her body wrapped around him making him feel comforted in that stressful moment.

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