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(HMS Pogue)**************

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(HMS Pogue)

"Milady." JJ says flirtatiously as he extends his hand out to Diana.

Diana pushes his hand away causing JJ to roll his eyes. He was currently standing on the HMS pogue as he waited for Diana to get on with him. He was wearing  sunglasses and a gray tank top. Diana had a swimsuit top on with jean shorts and JJ couldn't help but let his eyes scan up and down her body.

"Okay Mrs. Independent.. can't wait to watch you eat actual shit trying to attempt this dismount." JJ teases her.

Diana ignores him as she attempts to jump onto the boat all by herself. She nearly makes it except her one foot lands on the edge of the boat but her other leg starts to drag her down causing her to squeal. Diana knew she was about to fall into the water and she felt like an idiot. She felt two muscular arms grab her and pull her body up towards the boat. JJs laugh echoed through the air as he helped balance her on the edge of the boat. His hands were tightly holding onto her waist as he made sure she didn't fall.

"Told you." JJ says in a cocky tone.

"Whatever." Diana huffs in annoyance as she pushes his hands off of her.

She goes to get into the boat but the edge was slippery causing her to lose her balance. She fell directly into JJ and he caught her without hesitation. Diana felt her breath leave her body as JJs hands automatically held on tightly to her waist. Her face was inches away from his face as they both seemed frozen in place. Diana could feel her heart stop as she stared into his eyes. His body was pressed tightly against hers and she could feel his hands on her bare skin beneath her swimsuit top. She felt his fingers gently move up towards her boobs causing her to nervously swallow.

"Twice in a row... you must really like me." JJ teases her as he pulls his hands off of her.

"Shut up." Diana stuttered as she struggled to compose herself.

She hated that she desired his hands to be on her again.

"Sit down or you're gonna fall on your ass again." JJ tells her.

Diana sighs as she sits down near the back of the boat. JJ starts steering the boat away from the dock. JJ looked over at Diana as she relaxed at the back of the boat. Her skin was glowing in the sun as she covered her face with her hand to block her eyes.

"You really chose to sit in the farthest part of the boat away from me." JJ yells playfully.

"If you haven't realized by now I don't particularly like you." Diana yells back at him.

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