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(Lost In The Woods)**************

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(Lost In The Woods)

"I think I'm more qualified to lead the way home." JJ says in a cocky tone as he pushes past Diana.

"Are you kidding me? You are going to get us even more lost. Maybe I should just call the cops and let them catch me... at least I wouldn't be getting eaten by mosquitoes and forced to talk to you." Diana mutters in a disappointed tone.

"One... you can't get service out here and two... I know you enjoy my presence." JJ says flirtatiously as he nudges her shoulder.

Diana groans in annoyance as she walks beside JJ through the woods.

"How do we know this is even the right way?" Diana asks JJ curiously.

"Can you just trust me for once?" JJ replies sharply.

"You are the least trustworthy person I have ever met." Diana teases him.

She feels his hand continue to brush against her hand as they walk side by side sending chills through her fingers.

"If you try and hold my hand I will hurt you." Diana warns him.

JJs eyes widen as a laugh leaves his lips.

"I wasn't even thinking about it...but nice to know I'm always on your mind." JJ says in a low tone.

"I'd rather choke to death then ever think about you." Diana replies sharply.

"You can choke on something else." JJ says sarcastically.

Diana smacked his arm causing him to laugh.

"Shit it's so hot out here." Diana complained as she threw her hair up into a bun.

JJ glanced over at her causing his eyes to land on her face. He knew Diana was beautiful but he never took the time to really look at her. Now that his eyes had landed on her he couldn't seem to look away. JJ watched the pieces of her hair that fell out of the bun blow across her face. Her skin seemed flawless in the glow of the night. JJ felt a weird feeling in his chest. He wanted to say something to break the silence but he couldn't form words. It was usually easy for him to talk to girls so why was he having a problem with the girl who fights with him most of the time. JJ felt his body slam into something.

"Oh my god!" Diana yelled as she started dying of laughter.

JJ had ran into the tree due to him staring at Diana.

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