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(Untouchable) *************

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Diana woke up in JJs arms as their bodies were sprawled across the couch. The previous night started coming into her mind as her head started pounding. Tiredness overtook her as she sat up and groaned in pain. She looked down and was relieved to see that she still had her swimsuit on. As the events of the previous night came through her mind she didn't find anything scandalous besides the things JJ had said to her. She looked down at his shirtless body as his arm was tightly wrapped around her waist. His bare skin was pressed against her skin sending butterflies through her stomach. Diana started to get up causing JJ to immediately groan as he pulled her back towards him.

"I have to pee JJ." Diana tells him sharply.

"No." JJ mumbles in a very deep and raspy morning voice.

Diana tries to get his arm off of her but he only tightens his grip on her making it even harder for her to get out of his embrace.

"JJ!" Diana yelled angrily.

He giggled into the couch as he rested his head in her lap. Diana sighed as she stopped trying to get away from him. She gently rubbed her hand through his hair causing a smile to form on JJs face. She couldn't believe how much hair JJ had as she tried to untangle the blonde mess in front of her.

"Damm you got a lot of hair." Diana mutters.

"Yeah... I keep it longer cause I know chicks dig it." JJ says in a cocky tone.

"Oh really? Chicks dig it?" Diana teases him.

He lifts his head up to look at her as a smirk rests on his face.

"I know you think my hair is sexy." JJ says flirtatiously.

"Nice try... but no... I don't find you attractive JJ." Diana snaps back as she pushes his head off of her lap.

JJ groans as he grabs his neck in pain as Diana walks out of the room.

"You're denying it because it's so true!" JJ yells at her.

"Fuck off!" Diana yells back playfully.

"I don't think she's into you." Pope says softly scaring the absolute shit out of JJ.

"Jesus Pope... how long have you been sitting there?" JJ asks him as he looks at him in disbelief.

"Ten minutes... it's funny watching you get rejected." Pope teases him.

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