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(The Party Crashers) *************

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(The Party Crashers)

The moment JJs lips barely brushed against Diana's lips he knew he wouldn't be able to stop himself. Their lips collided with such force and passion that neither one of them wanted to stop. Diana could feel JJs hands move around her body as their lips moved in synch with each other. Diana felt like her knees would give out as JJs hands traveled all around her body. JJ had been waiting for this moment and he had never kissed someone so passionately in his entire life. Neither one of them wanted to pull away as the desire was overwhelming them. The sounds of the world around them were fuzzy as their focus was completely on each other. JJ knew he loved Diana and his heart was beating at an intense rate in that moment. They both slowly and painfully pulled away to catch their breath. Diana felt like her entire body was on fire as she struggled to breathe.

"I—" Diana gasps but is interrupted by JJs lips slamming back onto hers.

His hand came up to grab her cheeks as he deepened the kiss. The butterflies going through JJs stomach were overwhelming and every bone in his body wanted Diana.

"Who started the party without me?" A familiar voice yelled.

Diana felt her ears ring as she slowly pulled away from JJ. The music came rushing back to her ears as she was no longer in the moment.

"Isn't this cute?" Rafe yells as Diana's eyes land on him.

Diana internally throws up and screams at the same time as she glares at him. Kelce and Topper were standing with him as they laughed at the sight of JJ and Diana together.

"I guess trash really does belong together." Topper says in a cocky tone as Rafe laughs with him.

"Yo JJ! Congrats... I think this means you have successfully fucked every girl on this island.. even the lowest of the low." Rafe says sarcastically.

JJ clenched his jaw as his hands balled into firsts. Before JJ had time to kick Rafes ass Diana had already thrown a punch at him. Diana's fist collided with Rafes face as Topper gasped.

"Oh shit." Kelce says in disbelief.

Rafe seems unfazed as he laughs and gently grabs the place on his face where she hit him. JJ watched from a couple steps behind Diana waiting for when he needed to step in.

"That actually felt kinda good." Rafe says playfully as a smirk forms on his face.

Diana punches him again in the face and Rafes whole demeanor changes. His mouth was no longer smiling and he looked like he was about to beat the shit out of her.

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