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(The Road Home)**************

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(The Road Home)

"Jesus Christ!" Diana screamed as her body slammed into the grass beneath her.

She rolled through the grass as her body hit it hard. She groaned in pain as every inch of her body seemed to ache. She heard a loud thud as JJ landed directly beside her.

"I think my ribs switched places." JJ moaned as he grabbed his chest in pain.

Diana watched as the ambulance drove away leaving them in the middle of nowhere. Her body was now covered in grass as she forced her body to sit up. She looked over at JJ who was still laying on his back.

"Great plan JJ." Diana says sarcastically as she looks over at him.

"Hey! It was your plan! And did it get us out of there or not?" JJ asks her sharply.

"Yeah but now we are stranded in the middle of nowhere." Diana complained as she looked around.

The only light around them was a dim streetlight that kept flickering on and off. Diana tried to look around to see if she could figure out where they were but she had no idea. She felt JJs eyes on her causing her to look over at him.

"Did you hit your head too hard... quit staring at me perv." Diana snapped at him.

"I mean since we're deserted in the middle of nowhere with no ride home... we could like just make out right here." JJ says in a flirtatious tone.

"You are unbelievable." Diana huffs in annoyance as she stands up.

She brushes the grass off of her clothes. Bruises were starting to form across her stomach where her shirt stopped and on all along her legs.

"Are you just gonna sleep there or get off your ass?" Diana asks JJ jokingly.

"Just taking in the view." JJ says seductively as he looks up at her.

Diana realized he could see up her skirt.

"You are the definition of a perv oh my god... are you never not thinking about sex.... we are literally stuck in the middle of nowhere!" Diana yelled dramatically.

"I only think about it when I'm with you." JJ says as he winks at her.

"How many girls have you used that line on?" Diana asks him as she scoffs in annoyance.

JJ rolls his eyes at her as she reaches her hand down to him. JJ grabs her hand and immediately yanks her down on top of him.

"JJ!" She squealed as her body fell on top of him.

JJ laughed as his hands automatically caught her waist so she wouldn't face plant into the ground. Diana felt butterflies fly around in her stomach as she felt her body pressed against JJs lap.

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