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(The Principles Office)*************

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(The Principles Office)

(WARNING ⚠️ Violence)

JJ and Diana's feet slammed against the stairs as they sprinted down the long stairwell. JJ was running faster than Diana as she struggled to keep up with him. They reached the bottom floor as they were met by the very long hallway.

"Where is everyone?" JJ asks Diana breathlessly.

Diana realized there was an unnatural allure of silence throughout the school. The music was no longer blaring from the gym and it was as if not a living soul was present in the school.

"The dance doesn't end till 9:30... it's only 8:00." Diana mutters as she looks down at her clock.

They both slowed down their running pace as their eyes landed on the doors to the gym.

"Somethings wrong." Diana says nervously as her eyes glance at the gym doors and then at principal doors.

"We don't have time to investigate... he's got Kie." JJ says as he gestures towards the office.

"We can't just go in there unarmed... he's gonna kill us." Diana says as she nervously bites her nail.

JJ groans in frustration as he looks at Diana.

"I wish you had your gun." Diana says in a serious tone.

"Sorry.. I'll bring it to our school dance next time." JJ snaps back at her.

The sound of a gun shot coming from the gym caused Diana to cling onto JJs arm. Screams came from the gym sending chills through JJs body.

"Someone else is here." Diana says in a panicked tone as she had a terrified look on her face.

JJ could see how scared Diana was and he wanted to protect her but he was scared shitless too.

"We don't have time to waste... we have to save Kie.." JJ says sharply.

Before Diana can stop him JJ is opening the door to the principles office. The sound of a gun cocking and the sound of laughter filled Diana's ears as she walked inside the office behind JJ. She hid behind JJ as her eyes scanned the small room.

"JJ!" Kie yelled desperately.

Rafe had his arm wrapped around her neck as he held the gun up to her head.

"Take one more step and I blow her brains out all over this office." Rafe says in a manic tone.

"Okay... we won't come any closer... now let her go." JJ says as he holds his hands up in surrender.

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