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(Time Spent At The Station)**************

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(Time Spent At The Station)

"Shoupe.. you look a little tired... you go take a break... I'll watch the kids for ten minutes." JJ says playfully as he gestures towards Rafe and Diana.

"Very funny... now get inside." Shoupe tells him as he pushes him inside the police station.

Rafe opens the door for Diana as he gestures for her to go in front of him. He has a smirk stuck on his face causing Diana to scoff in disgust.

"Fuck off." Diana mumbles as she walks inside.

"I was just showing you some kindness." Rafe replies defensively.

Diana ignores him as she walks over to JJ. He was leaning against the front desk as he played with the handcuffs around his wrists.

"How long do you think it will take me to break out of these handcuffs and get us out of here?" JJ whispers to her in a low tone.

"Three hours because I doubt you know how to get out of handcuffs." Diana whispers back.

JJ bends down so his lips are right next to Diana's ear. Diana feels herself take in a sharp breath as a small laugh leaves JJs lips.

"I've spent a lot of time in handcuffs... I'm very skilled at getting out." JJ whispers to her seductively.

"Yeah because you go to jail so fucking much.. cause you are an actual idiot." Diana replies sharply not wanting to give in to his mind games.

"You and me both know I'm not talking about jail sweetheart." JJ says playfully.

Diana can feel her face get hot as she looks around the small station. Rafe was glaring directly at JJ and Diana but no one else in the station was paying attention to them. She could feel JJs breath on her neck as he opened his mouth to speak again.

"You can handcuff me anytime just know I know exactly how to get out." JJ whispers flirtatiously.

"Nah... I'm gonna pass on that offer... I don't particularly like you." Diana snaps back as she looks over at him.

A smirk formed on JJs lips as he towered over her.

"Are handcuffs not your thing... cause I'm down for anything?" JJ tells her as he winks at her.

"Like I would do anything with you." Diana says in a taunting voice as she turns away from him.

She feels JJ place his hand on her waist as he turns her body slowly back towards him. Diana takes a deep breath as her chest hits JJs chest. She looks up at him as he towers over her.

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