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(Deep Conversations)**************

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(Deep Conversations)

"Did you know that starfish... have eyes?" Diana says in a serious tone as she looks over at JJ.

They were both sitting on John Bs roof as they smoked a joint. JJ had given Diana one of his flannels to put on over her wet undergarments. JJ kept glancing over at her as her hair slightly blew in the wind.

"I did not know that.. why do you know that?" JJ asks her curiously.

"I like sea creatures... they are pretty cool I guess." Diana says softly as she runs a hand through her hair.

"You would love kie." JJ says in an excited tone.

"I've met Kie once or twice when I was drunk at the bone yard... shes cool." Diana says in a soft tone.

She watched as JJ smokes the joint before handing it to her. She would never admit it to him but he looked extremely hot in that moment. He was still shirtless and his blonde hair was very messy. She liked the feeling of wearing his flannel. It smelled just like him and it was very big on her.

"Who do you hang out with around here?" JJ asks her curiously.

"Not really anybody... everyone usually pisses me off." Diana says in a truthful tone.

"You seem to enjoy spending time with me." JJ says in a cocky tone.

Diana rolls her eyes as she smacks his arm.

"I am being forced to spend time with you because you broke me out of prison." Diana says jokingly.

"Don't act like you don't love me." JJ says flirtatiously.

Diana rolls her eyes in annoyance.

"You're not too awful to be around." Diana tells him quietly as she seems to struggle to get the words out of her mouth.

"Wow... that seemed really hard for you to say and it wasn't even that nice." JJ says in disbelief.

"Shut up... I don't do this sort of thing." Diana says in a nervous tone.

"What kind of thing?" JJ asks her curiously.

"The friend thing... being nice to people... I hate most people." Diana tells him.

"Who said friends are nice to each other." JJ says sarcastically.

"You know what I mean..." Diana says softly as she turns to look at him.

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