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(The Traumatic Past)**************WARNING ⚠️ mentions of abuse, drug and alcohol abuse and sexual abuse

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(The Traumatic Past)
WARNING ⚠️ mentions of abuse, drug and alcohol abuse and sexual abuse

Diana sat in the car as she watched her father out of the corner of her eye. The car was filled with silence as Diana feared what might happen if she opened her mouth. Her mother and father never paid attention to her. Her dad was normally too busy getting high as fuck and her mom was too busy drinking until she blacked out. Diana was rarely home but it didn't matter because her parents didn't even notice her presence gone.

Her dad slammed on the breaks as they arrived at her house. Diana slowly got out of the car. Her eyes landed on the woods behind her house as she debated whether she should make a run for it or not.

"Get inside!" Her dad ordered her.

Diana looked over at him. The scared child inside of her who remembered countless occasions of hiding in her closet from the man in front of her made her want to cry. Diana kept a tough expression on her face as she acted like she could care less about what her father did or said to her.

"I'll pay everything back... relax." Diana huffed under her breath as she walked up the stairs to her house

She felt her dad slam her body into the front door as pain entered her chest and stomach. She winced as she bit her lip to hold back tears.

"Don't fucking talk to me like that!" He screamed at her.

Diana tried to push him off of her but he was a lot stronger than her. He pushed open the door as he pushed Diana inside. Diana's eyes immediately landed on her mother who was passed out on the couch with beer bottles surrounding her. She hated being in that house... being reminded of all the things she hated about her life and herself. She felt her dad smack her across the face with such force that her small body crumbled to the ground.

"You're so fucking stupid! A wanted fugitive! Are you kidding me?" Her dad yells at her.

Diana pulls her fingers into a fist as she wants nothing more than to hurt her father. She pushes her fists into the ground as she forces her body up.

"Like you even give a shit! You don't even notice that I'm never here! I'm leaving and you won't ever see me again so don't worry!" Diana says angrily as she tries to get past him.

He stops her as he grabs her shoulders and squeezes them tightly. Diana can feel herself unable to breathe as her mind flashes back to the moment Rafe was strangling her.

"The police came to my fucking house! Forced me to pretend like I gave a fuck about my daughter and then I had to pay to bail you out!" Her father yells in a frustrated tone as he tightens his grip on her arms.

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