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(The School Day)*************

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(The School Day)

"I don't go to school... I skip it." Diana complained as she drew a smiley face on the window of John Bs car.

"Well... you haven't been in like a month and we kinda need you to graduate." Kie tells her sharply.

Diana rolls her eyes at her before turning her attention to JJ. His face was pressed into his seat as he was peacefully sleeping. He was wearing a blue sweatshirt and he had a blue bandana tied around his head. John B made a sharp turn and JJs body flew forward causing him to groan. Diana laughed as she nudged his arm with her foot.

"How did I get here?" JJ says in a tired voice as he looks around.

" back home.. I'm not dealing with this shit today." JJ whined as he struggled to get up.

Instead of resting his head back down on his seat he placed it in Diana's lap as he cuddled up next to her. He closed his eyes as he took in her famialir scent. Diana liked the feeling of JJ cuddled up on her as she played with his hair.

"Didn't the place get shot up like a week ago... shouldn't it be closed for like a year." JJ mutters into Diana's lap.

"You were literally there so you should remember what happened. Two people got shot and killed but don't worry no matter what great tragedy occurs school will always go on! It's not like two of their students were murdered at the school dance. We're all traumatized from a literal murderer trying to kill us but we still can't be late to chemistry! Such bullshit!" Kie yelled back at him angrily.

JJ was already snoring which meant he didn't hear a single word Kie said to him.

"I agree Kie... schools a joke." Diana says softly.

"Thank you." Kie sighs as she gestures to Diana.

The car stopped and everyone could assume that they had reached the place they all dreaded. Diana looked out the window at school and slightly banged her head against the window. She felt JJs hand snake up and grab the back of her neck as he pulled her away from the window.

"Don't do that." JJ tells her softly.

He gently rubs her head with his thumb as he makes sure she didn't actually injure herself.

"Can we shotgun some beers before we go in?" John B asks the group in an excited tone.

"You know I'm always down." JJ says with a smirk on his face.

"Let me just say that sounds highly irresponsible." Pope warns them.

John B ignores him as he pulls a couple of beers out of the back seat.

"Hand me one kind sir." JJ says dramatically as he extends his hand to John B.

"Here you go asshole." John B says as he hands it to him.

"You want me to spit it into your mouth like a baby bird?" JJ asks Diana flirtatiously as he raises his eyebrow at her.

"That sounds disgusting." Diana tells him sharply.

"Well now I really want to do it." JJ says sarcastically.

"The teachers are going to know something is up with us." Kie says nervously.

"Yeah... what's up with us is the fact that we saw two dead bodies that belonged to our fellow classmates inside that gym and they are still making us go to math class as if nothing happened." John B says in a serious tone.

They all get quiet as a sense of sadness lingers in the air.

"Hand me one." Pope says as he reaches his hand out to John B.

"Woah... Mr. Perfect is taking one?" JJ says in disbelief.

Diana and Kie both grab one as they all get ready to shotgun them.

"To getting through the day." John B says as he holds up his beer can.

They all clink their drinks together before they all shotgun them. They all laugh and Kie squeals as they finish drinking. They leave their empty cans in the car as they all climb out. JJ gets out first and holds his hand out for Diana.

"Milady." He says to her as he helps her hop out of the car.

As Diana walks inside the large school along side her friends she sees a ton of students rushing to get to class.

"Imagine actually giving a shit about school." Diana whispers to JJ as she giggles.

"Let's just skip." JJ says as he wraps his arm around her.

"We are already here... and if I miss another day the school might have to presume I'm dead." Diana says playfully.

JJ groans as he stops walking and looks down at her. JJ couldn't take his eyes off of her as he took in how beautiful she was.

"You can't just stop in the middle of the hallway." Diana teases him as she pushes him against one of the lockers so he would get out of the way.

A smirk formed on JJs face as he looked down at Diana. Her hand was pressed against his chest as she seemed distracted by the students rushing past them in the hallways. JJ gently grabbed her face to bring her attention up to him. Diana's eyes locked with his eyes and she couldn't help but feel a wave of chills go through her body. JJ looked insanely attractive in his bandana as he stared down at her with hunger in his eyes. JJs eyes flickered down to her lips as he desperately wanted to kiss her. The bell rang causing Diana to quickly look away from him. The hallway was empty as a door to a classroom slammed shut.

"I guess I'll see you later." Diana says as she starts to walk away.

She feels JJ gently grab her wrist as he yanks her body back towards him. Diana's chest collides with JJs chest as his hands grab her face. He places his lips on her lips as he kisses her passionately. Diana pushed JJ back into the locker causing JJ to smirk into the kiss as his hands started traveling up and down her body. Their tongues fought for dominance causing Diana to slightly grind her hips against JJs. JJ moaned into the kiss giving Diana the opportunity to slip her tongue inside his mouth. Diana could feel his boner growing against her hips sending a tingly sensation through her lower area. Diana slowly pulled away from the kiss as JJ groaned in protest.

"I guess I'll see you later in math class." Diana says breathlessly.

She quickly walks away from him before looking back at him and sending him a seductive wink. JJ ran a hand through his hair as he was completely dumbfounded. He needed her and he knew he wasn't going to be able to keep his hands off of her during math class.
This was just a filler chapter the next part will be spicy!!! sorry I've been so busy with school and life but hopefully I'll update more frequently this week 🥰

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